~When It's His Birthday~

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Yugi-You had everything set up perfectly for Yugi's birthday. When Yugi'd wake up, you'd surprise him with a stuffed baby panda bear hugging him. Afterwards, you'd take him out to eat (Since you lost your cooking skills), and then come home to give him presents and cake. But it didn't go as planned. As Yugi awoke, you tried to surprise him. It worked, too well. You surprised him so much he fainted, because you had startled him too much. Poor him......At least the rest of the day went as planed, mostly.....

Yami-Yami was so excited to have his first modern day birthday (Besides yours, of course). His expectations were so high, you nearly fainted after seeing his wish list. But something at the end made you smile. "If this is too much, don't bother, because you're all I really want." "That's so sweet...." But in the end, you got him twenty gifts, cake, and at least one-hundred kisses. Yami loved it. Even though you used a lot of money, Yami's happiness was worth it.

Ryou-You were completely nervous. You hoped Ryou liked your tea in bed birthday surprise. If that didn't work, you had cake and presents waiting at your house. Your attention was taken to Ryou as he started to wake up. "Sweetie? What're you doing here?" "I came to say happy birthday Fluffy! And I also brought you some tea." "Thanks." Ryou said before taking the tea cup and drinking it. "This is very good tea!" "Glad you think so." Let's just say, Ryou had the best birthday ever, because he had it with you.

Seto-You had no idea what to do. Seto could have anything he wanted. How could you compete with that? You then realized you had something no one else had, and couldn't be bought. You then rushed to Mokuba to get some very valuable information. Finally, it was the day of Seto's birthday. You snuck into Seto's office and waited. When Seto arrived, you gave Seto a list. "What's this for?" "These are songs that I have memorized. Choose which one you want, and I'll sing it for you." "Is this my birthday gift?" "Yes, I hope you like it." "For once, I don't mind celebrating my birthday." You soon had a huge smile on your face. "So, which song?" "I think I'll have you pick." "Okay." You then picked a song and sang it for Seto. And for the first time ever, Seto celebrated his birthday.

Joey-You waited with breakfast ready for Joey. Normally you wouldn't do this, but since it was his birthday, you thought it couldn't hurt to give him breakfast in bed. When he awoke, he was so startled. But after calming down, he was bale to enjoy the breakfast in bed. Luckily for you, Joey's birthday was a success. Even if your cake didn't turn out perfectly......

Atem-You were freaking out. It was Atem's birthday, and you had nothing to give. The entire kingdom was giving beautiful jewelry and such. How could you compete with that? Soon, you heard your door open. It was revealed to be the now seventeen year old, Atem. "I see you're distressed. Wish to tell me about it?" Atem said while sitting on your bed. You sat next to him. "It's just, I don't' know what to get you for your birthday." "(y/n), you don't need to get my anything." "I don't?" "No. Being with me is the best gift you could ever give me. I love you (y/n)." "I love you too Atem." "Shall we go for the feast?" "Sure, I was getting pretty hungry." So you two left to go enjoy a nice feast.

Marik-Unlike Marik, your breakfast in bed actually turned out. After breakfast, you did whatever Marik wanted to do. Afterwards, you had cake and gave him some presents. Marik had to admit it, that birthday was the best he had ever had.

Bakura-You had everything set up perfectly for Bakura's birthday. You and Ryou had made his favorite breakfast, and together had made his favorite vanilla and strawberry flavored cake. Everything was perfect! When Bakura woke up, he enjoyed his breakfast in bed. Afterwards, you did whatever he wanted to do (Which consisted of watching horror movies, scarring poor you and Ryou). Then you enjoyed some steak (Bakura's favorite meal), and the cake. After that, he opened his presents. Bakura had never had a birthday where people actually celebrated for him, so he could easily say this was the best birthday ever.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if you didn't. Please comment if you liked this chapter, I love to get feedback. Feel free to request any character or scenario. Later my fellow readers =^-^=

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