~When He Draws You~

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Yugi-You and Yugi were currently in art class. Today's assignment was to draw someone or something you loved. Of course you drew Yugi while he drew you. Turns out Yugi's an amazing artist. He drew so well, you were sure a famous artist had drawn it. "Yugi, this is....." "I hope you like it. But I'll always like the real you better...." You then pulled Yugi in for a kiss, not caring if you got in trouble for making out in class.

Yami-Yami felt so discouraged at the moment. He had been trying to draw a portrait of you, but they just weren't turning out the way he had hoped. Sighing to himself, he figured it was hopeless. That's when you came in. "Hey Yami, what're you drawing?" Uh...." "Is that a watermelon? It's looks very good!" Yami slammed his head on the table. "That's supposed to be a head for a human." "Oh, I was just kidding about the watermelon thing." "It's fine, I just have to realize I'm not meant to be an artist." "Well, I found it sweet that you tried to draw. Who were you trying to draw?" "You, my dear (y/n). The sunshine in my life." "That's just so........So.......Sweet!" You said before kissing Yami on the cheek. Yami smiled, knowing his efforts weren't in vain.

Ryou-You couldn't believe what you were seeing. It was a picture of you, and it was an amazing piece of art. "Ryou, did you really draw this for me?" "I hope you like it." "Like it, no. Love it, yes!" You said while hugging Ryou. Ryou then smiled like an idiot. "So, where's you learn to draw so well? I'd love to learn how to draw like that?" "Actually, I taught myself how to draw. If you still want lessons, I'd be willing to help you become a better artist." "I'd love that. Thanks so much Ryou!" You said before kissing Ryou. He kissed back, before beginning your art lessons. But let's just say, you never learned how to be a better artist. Mainly because you couldn't stop kissing the teacher, your adorable boyfriend.

Seto-As you entered Seto's office, you noticed something different. On one of his walls hung a large portrait of you, and it was very extravagant and beautiful. "Seto, did you have an artist create this?" "Guess again." "Wait, did you draw this!?!" "Yes, I'm the creator of the portrait of you." "It's just amazing! When did you have the time to create this magnificent picture? The colors just compliment each other so nicely and....I just don't know what to say." "I slowly drew this whenever I had spare time, which I don't have a lot of. I'm glad you appreciate my choice of colors." "So, what shall we do now?" "Well, I could kiss you." "What's preventing you from doing so?" "Absolutely nothing." Seto then pulled you in for a passionate kiss.

Joey-You noticed Joey scribbling away on his test. 'He might actually be working hard....Nah! Wonder what he's drawing.' You looked over to see Joey's drawing. It was a pretty good sketch of you. 'Wow, I didn't know he could sketch so well.' "Impressed?" "Uh.....Yeah! can you teach me sometime?" "Sure, I'll-" "No talking during a test!" "Yes sir......."

Atem-As you were in your room, journaling, you heard a knock on your door. "Miss (y/l/n), the pharaoh wishes to see you." "Okay." You then went to the throne room, to see Atem with a piece of paper in his hands. "What do you need Atem?" "I'm going to sketch you. I need you as a model." "Oh, okay. How should I pose?" "Whatever is most natural." "Okay." You then got in a comfortable post, and Atem sketched you. After what felt like hours, Atem was finally done. "Do you wish to see?" "Of course." But what Atem showed you, shocked you. It was you, to the very detail. "Wow..." "Do you like it? "Yes, very much!" "Then it's yours!" "You mean it?" "Yes, I do." "Thanks Atem!" "Anytime (y/n), anytime."

Marik-Unlike his cooking skills, Marik was a talented artist. And one day, he decided to make a quick sketch of you. He deiced he'd make it the cover of his folder for his evil plans. One day, you aw it, and smiled. "Not bad."

Bakura-Bakura was bored out of his mind, so he decided to sketch you. As he was finishing up, you knocked on his bedroom door. Bakura answered. "Hello (y/n), come on in." "Thanks." Soon, your eyes were looking at Bakura's sketch of you. "Bakura, this is amazing!" "Thanks. So, shall we watch a movie?" "As long as it isn't horror." ".........Fine........"

Hope you enjoyed. If not, please tell me what I can do to be a better writer. Feel free to request any character or scenario. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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