~When He's Cheating?~

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Hello! Hope you like the next scenario. If not, I'm sorry!

Yugi-You smiled to yourself as you headed to the game shop. Today was your one month anniversary and you had gotten him a stuffed baby panda. You were sure he was going to love it. As you entered the game shop, you were surprised to not see Yugi waiting for you. 'Must be in his room.' You thought while heading upstairs. You entered Yugi's room, but once you saw what was inside, your heart shattered. Yugi, who you thought was a loyal boyfriend, was kissing Tea. And it wasn't a small kiss, it was a kiss full of passion. Tears came to your eyes as you screamed, "IT'S OVER!" And ran out of the room, dropping the stuffed baby panda in the process. Yugi pulled away, and looked at where you had just been. "Tea, I hate you!" Yugi exclaimed while running after you, but was unsuccessful to catch you. "What have I done?"

Yami-You were walking in the halls of your school when you heard the most interesting conversation. "No way, he kissed you!?! You're so lucky to be kissed by Yami!" You stopped and walked up to the two girls. "Yami kissed who!?!" "We were lab partners and he just kissed me out of the blue. I still get chills when I think about it." You stormed off, determined to learn the truth. When you approached Yami, his happy expression turned into concern. "Something wrong?" "Yes. Did you kiss someone in chemistry?" "You mean that wasn't you?" Now you were offended. Yami couldn't even tell you from another girl!?! Some boyfriend! "That's it, we're over!" You said while storming away. "Wait, let me explain!" Too late, you were gone. 'Did that really just happen?'

Bakura-You were headed over to Bakura's place when you saw him at the front door, kissing some chick on the cheek. Seeing this brought you to tears. You then ran away while sending a text to Bakura. After getting home, you cried in your bed. Bakura waited patiently for you to come over, surprised when you didn't come. Wait, did she see him kissing his cousin? "Oh dear, my sweetie may think I'm cheating on her!" Bakura then read the text, and tears came to his face. 'It can't be over, it just can't be!'

Seto-You decided to go check on Seto, since you hadn't seen him all day. But what you saw completely shocked you. Seto, was kissing some random teenage girl. Seto pulled away, shock written all over his face. "(y/n), it's not what it looks like-" "WE'RE OVER!" You said while storming out of the mansion, and headed back to your house, tears filling your eyes. 

Joey-You were on your way over to Joey's house. But when you entered, you were surprised to see Joey hugging some red-head. You looked completely shocked, but why wouldn't you? Joey, who you thought was a loyal boyfriend, was hugging some random chick. "Joey Wheeler!" Joey turned to face you. "(y/n), it's not what it looks like!" "Too late, we're finished!" You said while storming away. Joey ran up to you but you just shoved him to the side. He then let you walk away, thinking maybe he should've told you about his sister Serenity. 

That's all for today. I'll try to update tomorrow. Remember to comment if you liked the scenario. And feel free to request any character or scenario. See you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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