~Ending Number Eighteen: Atticus Rhodes~

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No one....You couldn't think of anyone that you could possibly start a relationship with. Maybe....Just maybe....There's someone in the future, waiting for you. You then went up to Yami, and asked him about it. "Is there any way you can send me to the future?" Yami seemed shocked. "Why would you want to go to the future?" "In hopes that I can find my lover." "I see...."

Now you have all your things together, ready to be sent to the future. Yugi was tearing up. "(y-y/n), I want you to have this." Yugi then handed you a duel deck. "It's an Angel Warrior deck. I want you to have it." "Thank you." You then hugged Yugi. "Maybe, one day, we'll see each other in the future." "Maybe..." "Goodbye, and thank you." Yami's millennium puzzle then began to glow. Time seemed to pass by. And soon, you were in an unfamiliar place. 'This must be the future. Well, better make the most of it!'

It wasn't long before you learned about the famous Duel Academy. Thinking that this might be your chance to find love, you signed up. Having an awesome deck, as amazing as a deck could be, you got into the Obelisk blue dorm. On your way to Duel Academy, you noticed a lot of girls surrounding a guy. You also heard music being played. You then saw him, the person who stole your heart. But you thought that there was no way a guy with so many choices would choose you.

Though, a surprise awaited you when you got to your room. A note laid on your bed, written in fancy handwriting. It said that someone wanted to meet you on the beach at five pm. Curious, you did as the note said.

There, you met that guy, Atticus. Though, for the first time since you had seen him, he was alone. "Were you the one who sent the note?" "But, of course." "So, what did you want?" Atticus then started playing the ukulele. "(y/n)...Since I first saw you....I noticed something was missing...Turns out....It was my heart....You stole my heart.....So, I'd like it back....In return.....Let me....Be....Your...Boyfriend...." You were astonished, that your love just asked you out. "Yes! A million times yes!" You said, before hugging Atticus. He hugged back. And now, you both are dating happily.

~When You Kiss In Public~

You and Atticus were headed towards class, when you noticed tons of girls glaring at you. "Don't worry about them, they'll learn to get over me." "You sure?" "Yes, I am. Besides, it doesn't matter what they think." Atticus then kissed you, in which, you kissed back. The girls, they just continued to glare.

~When You're Sad~

You were sad, because, you had met your parents again. But, they had said that they hated you, making you feel just awful. When Atticus asked about it, you wouldn't say anything. Even though Atticus couldn't help solve the problem, he did comfort you. 'I wish you'd just tell me what's wrong, (y/n).'

~When He's Sad~

"Atticus, are you okay?" "Yeah..." "Are you sure?" "Yeah...." You sighed. "Please, tell me, what's wrong?" "It's Alexis...." "What about her?" "She was...." "What!?!" Atticus then whispered something into your ear. "That's horrible!" "Yeah...I feel so bad for Alexis...." "I do too....But, don't worry, whoever did that will pay! I'm sure of it!" "Thanks...." Atticus sighed. 'I feel so bad for Atticus, and Alexis. Alexis didn't deserve to be raped...'

~When You Have A Nightmare~

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