~When He Finds Your Baby Pictures~

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Yugi-You and Yugi were organizing your basement, when Yugi stumbled upon a picture book. When he opened it, he found your baby pictures. He couldn't help but find you adorable. Once you found out, you were a blushing mess. "I....." "Come on (y/n), you were adorable as a baby. No need to feel embarrassed." If only he knew what was plotting in your head.

Yami-You and Yami were looking through old picture books when you found something very interesting. "Is that you as a baby?" Your face went deep red. You flipped the page, only to find more pictures of you as a baby. Soon, you threw the book across the room. "Let's just forget this ever happened." "Nope." "I was afraid you'd say that...."

Ryou-Ryou was helping you clean your house when he found a picture of you as a baby. He found it so adorable he took a picture of it with his phone. When you found out what he did, you had him erase the picture. If only you knew he secretly had an extra picture saved.

Seto-You sneaked into Seto's office. Seto was nowhere in sight! You decided to check his laptop, hoping to read more of his journal. Instead, you found something much worse. You found tons of baby pictures of....YOU! "What're you doing?" "What do you think you're doing having baby pictures of me!?!" "That's my personal business. Now leave!" "Fine!" You said while leaving, preparing your revenge.

Joey-You and Joey were watching a movie, when Joey left to go get a drink. But soon, you heard a sound that sounded like, "Aw..." You went to find Joey holding a picture of when you were a baby. "Is that you?" "Y-Yes...." You said, embarrassed. "Don't worry, you look cute as a baby." "Okay...." You said while grabbing the picture from Joey, thinking of a way to get your revenge.

Atem-When you had come into the past, you brought a picture book of your friends, happy memories, family, and pictures of you from when you were a baby till you had come to the past. Atem stumbled upon this, and was extremely interested in the baby pictures of you. You just looked the cutest! "Atem, what're you looking at?" "N-Nothing..." You grabbed the picture book back from him. Once you saw what page he was on, your face turned into a scowl. "Atem! This is private!" "I-I...." "I will get my revenge!" You then left the room to go to your room, only to realize that room was your room. "OUT!" Atem scurried out, afraid of what you'd do to him.

Marik-Using his awesome skills, Marik was bale to find your baby pictures. Sadly for him, you found out. "You did what!? Marik! That's private!" "But you looked so cute!" "That doesn't matter! I WILL get my revenge!" Marik was now actually frightened, afraid of what you'd do to get your revenge.

Bakura-You and Bakura were hanging out at your place. When you left to go get a snack, Bakura decided to snoop around your room. That's when he found your baby pictures. And for once, Bakura found something adorable. When you came back, you were shocked. "Bakura!" "Yes, what is it?" "Just what do you think you're doing!?!" "Looking at your baby pictures." "Well, stop it! Or you'll leave me no choice but to use my millennium rod on you!" "Fine..." Bakura then put the pictures away, unaware of what you were secretly planning.

Hope you enjoyed. Later my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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