~When He's Sad~

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Don't we all just love the weekends? I know I do! Anyway, let's get on with the story.

Yugi-You smiled as you walked over to the game shop, excited to see your boyfriend Yugi. But when you entered, you were surprised when you heard quiet sobs. You quietly entered Yugi's room to see him in the corner, crying softly to himself. You rushed over to him. "Yugi, what's wrong?" "People keep saying I'm short and no good and-" "You shouldn't listen to them! Yugi, I don't care if you're short, I still love you!" "Thanks (y/n), that's just what I needed to hear." "Now, how about we go for a walk? You look like you could use one." "Okay." You two then went on a walk, which helped Yugi cheer right up. 

Yami-You were worried, why? Yami said he'd be over at your house an hour ago and he still wasn't there. And Yami wasn't the type of person to ditch you. So you went to the game shop to investigate. After talking to Yugi, you learned Yami had been depressed lately. Knocking on Yami's bedroom door, you received a simple, "Come in." You entered to see Yami teary eyed and tons of tissues scattered around his room. You rushed up to him. "What happened!?!" "I was walking home when I saw someone run over a baby squirrel." You couldn't believe how much Yami cared about that innocent squirrel. It was actually kind've sweet. You then brought Yami in for a hug. "Don't worry, that squirrel's in a better place." You continued to stay in that position until the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms.   

Bakura-You knocked on Bakura's apartment door, gift in hand. You had gotten Bakura a new tea set and was excited to give it to him. Yet when Bakura opened the door, you saw a swollen eyed Bakura, not who you were expecting to see. "Bakura, what's wrong?" "My favorite teat company has finished their production." "That's just awful!" You then brought Bakura in for an awkward hug since you were still holding his gift. "Well, I know this doesn't fix everything, but I got you a gift." "Can't wait to see what it is." Bakura then let you in and opened his gift. Turns out the gift was exactly what he needed to cheer him up, a new tea set, but more importantly, you, by his side. 

Seto-You knocked on the door to Seto's office. But what surprised you was that you heard quiet sobs. You opened the door, to reveal Seto was indeed crying. You rushed over to him. "What happened?" "M-Mokuba was i-in a c-car crash a-and is n-now in a c-coma...." You soon were in tears as well. "I'm sure he'll be fine. After all, the best doctors are taking care of him." "Y-You're right (y/n), thanks.." You two soon stopped crying. "Anytime Seto, anytime." Two weeks later, Mokuba woke up and you all celebrated with a party, where Seto actually smiled. 

Hope you enjoyed this scenario. Have a character or scenario you want to request? Feel free to request them, I'm not scared of doing a new character/scenario(not lemon). Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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