~When You Do Something Cute~

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Yugi-To Yugi, everything about you was either cute or adorable. But when you did your little kitten sneeze, Yugi couldn't help but die on the inside. 

Yami-Yami found it cute when you would have mini temper tantrums about simple things like homework. He would just stand back and smirk, thinking about how cute you were. 

Ryou-Whenever you would sing while dancing, Ryou would smile while listening to you sing and watching you dance. Something about this came across as cute to him. 

Seto-One day you decided to sneak into Seto's room. Why? There was something you wanted to try. You grabbed one of his insanely long jackets and headed to his main chair in his office. You turned the chair away from the door and sat down. When you heard the door open, you turned around and said, "I'm the great Seto Kaiba, bow down to your ruler!" Only to reveal it was Seto himself. "Oh, hi Seto....Guessing you'll want your chair back." You said while standing up. "You guessed correctly." Seto said while sitting down. "By the way, good job on your imitation. I found it cute." "Thanks." You said before leaving. 'Hard to believe he actually found something cute.'

Joey-Joey found you cute, no matter what you did. But there was one day when you decided to put on cat ears, tail, and paws. "Meow! I'm a cat!" "Yes you are." Joey said while patting your head. He just found you as a cat the cutest. 

Atem-When you thought no one was looking, you sat in Atem's throne seat and declared, "Behold! I am the pharaoh! You will all do as I say. And I demand you to-" Atem then walked in. "Uh......" You quickly got out of his throne and moved to your own throne. Atem chuckled while sitting down in his chair. "You know you're just the cutest, right?"

Marik-Marik could list many things that you did that were cute. But his favorite thing is when you'd blush when he'd take off his shirt. He found your blush the cutest. 

Bakura-Bakura found it cute when you'd try to act all tough, because you're not really a tough girl (sorry if you are). He just found you the cutest, so trying to act tough, just made you look even cuter. Well, that is, to Bakura. 

Sorry these are so short! Hope you enjoyed anyway. Remember, you can request any character or scenario. Also, I've decided my new story. But before I tell you what it is, I'll tell you my plan. 

1-Continue on this story

2-Post a Rouge X Reader One-Shot

3-Post a Marik X Reader One-Shot

And now, my new story will be..........A...........Natsu X Reader X Gray Story! I really like this idea, and I'm glad it was requested. I'm working on the time-line for it as we speak. Hopefully, I'll have the first chapter posted soon. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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