~When He Finds Your Diary/Journal~

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Yugi-You let Yugi into your house, for a pajama movie sleepover. "Just let me go get my pajamas on. I'll be right back." You then left. Yugi then noticed a small (Favorite Color) notebook on the table. He started reading it, and found your entries quite cute, just like you. "Yugi! Drop the book, and no one gets hurt!" Yugi did as you said, afraid of what you'd do if he didn't'. "Don't ever read this ever again, got it!?!" Yugi nodded his head quickly. "Good. Now, let's enjoy the movie." You two then cuddled while enjoying (Movie You Like).

Yami-Yami was snooping around your house, when he found your diary. Just the kind of thing he was looking for! He was about to open it when..."Yami! Get your hands off of my diary!" "And if I don't?" You gave a frightening scowl, causing Yami to set the diary down. "What're you doing in my house?" "Uh..." "You were snooping around!" "And now I'll make my grand escape!" Yami then ran out of your house, with you chasing after him.

Ryou-Ryou, being the nice boyfriend he is, was helping you clean your house. When he was putting away some books, he found your journal. Excited, he began reading it, forgetting you were in the same house. "Ryou!" Ryou dropped the journal out of shock. "How could you!?!" "I'm so sorry! I didn't' realize that was supposed to be private." "I'll let it slide this time. Next time, you won't be so lucky." Ryou sighed in relief, he was saved yet once again.

Seto-Seto was coming to wake you up, to let you know he'd be gone for the day. But instead, he became absorbed in your journal. "SETO!" Seto seemed to have been expecting this for some time. "Here you go." Seto then handed you your journal, and left. "Oh, you're not getting away that easily!" You said while chasing Seto.

Joey-You had noticed Joey reading something that looked very familiar. Soon, you realized it was your diary. You tried to grab it from Joey, but he held it above your head. "Give that back Joey Wheeler!" Joey, seeing how angry you were, gave it back. "You should be a writer someday, this stuff's really good." "Thanks." You then realized you were supposed to be mad at him. "You're not getting away that easily!" Sadly for you, you two had to split for your next class. Seems like your rage is just going to have to wait.

Atem-When you walked into your room, you saw Atem reading something. It kind've looked like....Your personal diary! "Atem! That's very personal!" "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." You sighed. "Fine, just don't do it ever again, understood?" "Understood." "Good." Atem then pulled you in for a kiss, in which you kissed back, happily.

Marik-Using his millennium rod, Marik was able to convince you to give him your secret diary. But as he began reading your diary, he dropped his millennium rod, causing his spell on you (But not his Steves) to break. Once you saw what Marik was reading, you slapped him, then grabbed your dairy away from Marik's grasp. "Why'd you do that?" "It's pretty obvious why I did that. Never, and I mean never, mess with my diary!" "I'm sorry, but with my millennium rod I can-" You then grabbed Marik by the collar, and shoved him to the ground. "Screw your rod!" You said before leaving. Let's just say, Marik doesn't use his rod on your anymore.

Bakura-You had fallen asleep during a movie, so Bakuradecided to snoop around. Soon, he found your personal diary. He found somethings very interesting. When you began to wake up, he put the diary away, andwent back to the couch, So you never knew Bakura had read your personal diary.     

Hope you enjoyed. Yesterday, I realized something that made me feel devastated. I thought there were only 155 episodes in Yu-Gi-Oh Gx, I was wrong. So I really have another 25-35 episodes left. I'm so sorry! I hope to finish the series in the next 1-2 months, hopefully. Again, sorry! Later my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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