~When You Have A Food Fight~

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Yugi-You were watching Yugi as he prepared some cookie batter for (Favorite Type Of Cookie). That is, until you saw Yugi smirking. "What?" Yugi then threw some flour at your face. It was a direct hit! "It's on!" You then grabbed some sugar, and threw a handful at his face. He dodged. You two then continued to throw things at each other till you realized you would have to clean it all up. You two then left the kitchen, and headed towards your house, leaving Yami to clean up all by himself. Poor Yami......

Yami-You and Yami were in the lunch line, when you felt something hit your back. You turned to see Yami, and he didn't have as much food as before. Your eyes narrowed. "I tripped, I didn't mean to spill food on you." "Well, in that case........TRIP ON THIS!" You then threw your (Main Meal) at Yami, and hit him right in the face. People backed away, as you two had an intense food fight. Let's just say, you had detention for a long time.

Ryou-You and Ryou were working together to bake a cake. That's when you felt something slimly go down your back. "What the-" You looked down to see it was an egg. Ryou was laughing his head off. "Oh, so it's going to be like that now is it?" You then grabbed some chocolate syrup and aimed for his hair. "Ha! You missed!" "I wasn't aiming for your face." Ryou then realized what you meant. "No! My beautiful hair! It'll take forever to get this out." "Then don't put an egg down my shirt!" Sadly for you, the batter was knocked over during your food fight, ruining your hopes of making your delicious cake. Poor you.......

Seto-You and Seto were in the dining hall, enjoying a nice five-star meal. That's until your fork went against you. It flipped your salad onto Seto's face. He scowled. "I'm so-" You were surprised to see the same salad thrown right back at your face. "So, we're going to play this game?" You were both soon throwing food at each other, using the table for cover. You had to admit, that was the most fun you had ever had at dinner. And even Seto would have to agree with you.

Joey-You and Joey were at a fast food restaurant. That is, until Joey's burger flew out of his hand, and hit you straight in the face. "Oops, sorry Babe." Joey said while removing the burger. "It's fine." You said while squirting ketchup onto Joey's face. Joey fought back with mustard. This fight commenced until the manager came out and broke you two up. Let's just say, you were never allowed back in that restaurant ever again. What a shame!

Atem-You and Atem were in the dining hall, eating to your heart's content, when......"Food fight!" You said while throwing some grapes at Atem. He got them right in his hair. "If that's what you wish, don't think I'll go easy on you." "I'd be insulted if you did." Atem and you then mercilessly threw food at each other, somehow enjoying getting hit by the food.

Marik-You were trying to teach Marik how to cook. But he didn't seem to want to listen. "Okay, Marik, we need one and a half cups of flour." "Why?" "Because that's what the recipe says." "Nah, I'd rather do this!" Marik then poured the flour all over your head. "You'll regret that!" And so, an intense food fight began. And lots of food was wasted, LOTS!

Bakura-You and Bakura were baking a cake together for Ryou's birthday (You forced Bakura into it). Bakura was determined to ruin the cake. "Wee need two cups of flour." "We're all out." "How could we-" You then saw the flour being thrown at your face. You then grabbed two eggs and threw them at Bakura's face. And so, a food fight began. And you used so many ingredients, you couldn't bake your cake for Ryou, thus causing you to have to go out and buy one. Though you got your revenge by using Bakura's money to buy the cake.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if not. I'd like to thank you all for all the votes, comments, and views. It really means a lot to me. That's all I have to say. Later my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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