~Chapter Eleven~

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Yay, it's the weekend! So nice to get away from school. Anyway, thanks to everyone who has the read the story so far. I plan to keep this going for a while. Back to the story! 

As you entered your house you were sure you heard a thud. But instead of looking into it, you headed up to your bed. After getting into your pajamas, brushed your teeth, and whatever else you do before bed, you then snuggled into your bed. Soon weariness and sleepiness took over and you were soon in slumber-land, not knowing what the next day brought. 

Just as yesterday, your phone alarm went off at 5:00am. "Stupid alarm...." you muttered as you sat up and turned the alarm off. Getting up you did your usual morning routine. As you were in the middle of eating (favorite breakfast) you got a text. 

Yugi(Yami): Hey miss (y/n), it's Yami. Are you heading over?

You gulped, realizing you still had to do something for Yami. 

(y/n): Give me five minutes, then I'll be over. 

After sending the text you finished your breakfast, brushed your teeth, grabbed your backpack, put on your shoes, and headed over to Yugi/Yami's place. You took a deep breath before entering the game shop. "H-Hello." you said quietly. "Hello, you must be (y/n) right? My grandson has told me a lot about you." Said an elderly man who had just as crazy a hairstyle as Yugi and Yami. "And you are?" "I'm Solomon Muto, Yugi's grandfather, and owner of the game shop." "Oh, okay. Well, Yam-Yugi's waiting for me so where can I go see him." "Just head upstairs, first door on the right." "Thanks!" you said while heading upstairs. Before entering you knocked on the door. There stood Yami, in his usual clothing, wearing a mischievous smirk on his face. 'Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?' You asked yourself. 

"Glad you could make it (y/n). You ready to know what you have to do?" "Guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." You said, slightly fearing what Yami had in store for you. "That's the spirit, I guess. Now all you have to do is.....Wear this for one day!" Yami said while pulling something out of a box. It was a full body cat suit. It was black, fuzzy, had a tail, and a headband with cat ears. Your face went deep red from embarrassment once you had put it on. "I'm not so sure about this...." "Don't worry, you look great." "T-Thanks." you said while blushing even deeper, if that was even possible. "Well...." Yami said while putting his backpack around his shoulder, "Shall we head out so we don't miss the bus?" "Wait, I actually have to go to school in this?" "Yep, now let's go. Oh, by the way, I'm taking over for the entire school day so I'll need help getting around." You sighed, this was going to be a very long day. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please comment if you did. I'll be posting the next chapter very soon, like in a few minutes soon. See you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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