~Ending Number Seventeen: Aster Phoenix~

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No one....You couldn't think of anyone that you could possibly start a relationship with. Maybe....Just maybe....There's someone in the future, waiting for you. You then went up to Yami, and asked him about it. "Is there any way you can send me to the future?" Yami seemed shocked. "Why would you want to go to the future?" "In hopes that I can find my lover." "I see...."

Now you have all your things together, ready to be sent to the future. Yugi was tearing up. "(y-y/n), I want you to have this." Yugi then handed you a duel deck. "It's an Angel Warrior deck. I want you to have it." "Thank you." You then hugged Yugi. "Maybe, one day, we'll see each other in the future." "Maybe..." "Goodbye, and thank you." Yami's millennium puzzle then began to glow. Time seemed to pass by. And soon, you were in an unfamiliar place. 'This must be the future. Well, better make the most of it!'

You soon learned that dueling had become a major part in everyone's life. While watching a champion match, you saw him, Aster Phoenix. After you finished watching his match, you could easily say that he had stolen your heart. Determined to become a great duelist like him, you signed up for the famous Duel Academy.

You surprised yourself, when you were put in the Obelisk blue dorm. You had the highest scores of any of the other students. You didn't think it was a big deal, but these scores caught the attention of a certain professional duelist.

After you arrived, the principle asked to see you. 'Have I really gotten in trouble on the first day!?' Though, when you arrived, you saw your love. "A-Aster P-Phoenix?!" "Please, just call me Aster." "O-Of course...." 'What is he doing here?!' "Ms. (y/l/n), Mr. Phoenix would like to give you an offer." "How would you like to be my apprentice?" "I would be honored." "Then, come." Aster then jumped out of the open window, and into a helicopter. 'Is he crazy!? I can't jump that!' Aster then had the helicopter come in closer, and he held out his hand. "Well, you coming or not?" You then grabbed his hand, and away you went, away from Duel Academy.

You were put in private Duel School, while being Aster's apprentice. Soon, though, Aster started growing feelings for you. Soon, he couldn't hold it in any more, and felt like he just HAD to ask you out. "(y/n), how would you like to be my girlfriend?" You couldn't' believe this was happening. "Is this a joke?" "No." "Then, in that case.....Yes, I would be honored." Although you seemed calm on the outside, you were freaking out in the outside. "Then you're no longer my apprentice. Now, you're my girlfriend, and partner." "Thank you." "No need to act like that. You can act naturally, now that you're no longer working for me." "In that case.....YAY!" You then tackled Aster in a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Aster laughed. 'I see I'm not the only one in love.'

And now, you're both as happy as could be.

~When You Kiss In Public~

You were watching Aster, who was dueling in a tournament. He had just currently won the final duel. You ran up to him, and hugged him. "(y/n)...." "What?" "We're in public...." "So, is it wrong for your GIRLFRIEND to hug her BOYFRIEND in public?" You emphasized on the words, 'Girlfriend.' And, 'Boyfriend.' The entire coliseum quieted down. "Well, look at that. The great Aster Phoenix seems to have acquired a girlfriend." A lot of girls started booing you, and yelling harsh things as you. "If you really are a couple, then, kiss!" "Well, Aster, you heard what the public wants." "Yep. Better give them what they want." You two then kissed. This made all the girls get even more upset.

~When You're Sad~

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