~When It's Your Birthday~

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Yugi-Your eyes fluttered open, full of excitement. It was your birthday and you were now seventeen. So exciting! You looked on your nightstand to reveal there was a note. You read the note and smiled. It was one of those follow the clues until you find the gift games. So creative. After you had followed all the clues, it had left you back to your house where party decorations had been set up. And there seemed to be a giant present in the middle. "Happy birthday (y/n)!" "Thanks Yugi!" You said while hugging him. After opening the present, it was revealed to be a five layer (Favorite cake) that Yugi had made himself. "Looks yummy!" Other presents included a Duel Monsters deck, and a book full of pictures holding good moments you and Yugi shared. "This is the best birthday ever!"

Yami-You were worried. Your birthday was almost over and Yami hadn't done anything special. Just as you were about to head home, Yami spoke up. "Hey (y/n), I'll be right back. Don't leave." Yami said before leaving this room. 'This must be it.' You thought while you waited patiently. When he came back, he had a (Favorite cake) and a few presents in his hands. "Happy birthday dear (y/n)!" "You actually remembered!" "Why wouldn't I? Is it because I wanted to wait till the evening to celebrate?" "I guess so....." Yami then put the cake and presents down. "(y/n), I'd never forget something as important as your birthday." "I guess I was impatient." "That's fine. Want to open your presents?" "Sure!" The presents consisted of some Egyptian styled jewelry, a new phone, and a golden crown. "Is this real gold and real jewels?" "Would I get you something fake? Nope, that's real gold and real (Favorite jewels, gems)." "I love it!" "I'm glad. Anything for my sweet (y/n)." Yami then put the crown on your head. "It suits you. A beautiful crown for an even more beautiful (y/n)." You blushed. "Thanks Yami." "Anytime, dear (y/n). DO you wish to eat your cake? I had Yugi made it for you." "Sure!" So that's what you did, enjoyed the cake and each other's company. You had to admit this was the best birthday you had ever had.

Ryou-You woke up to the nice scent of (Favorite breakfast). Your nose led you to the kitchen, where you found Ryou making breakfast. "What a shame, I was going to surprise you with a surprise birthday breakfast in bed." "It's fine. Remember last time you brought food to me in bed? You were covered in hot tea." "Guess you're right....Happy birthday (y/n)!" "Thanks Ryou!" "So, what would you like to do today?" "Not sure. Right now all I want to do is eat, I'm starving!" "Very well then. The food' all ready." "Yay!" After breakfast, you did random things. Soon, a thought came to your mind. "Ryou, did you get me any gifts." "Yes, indeed I have." Ryou then pulled out a few gifts. They included one-thousand dollars, a new tea set (Since Ryou got you hooked on tea), some flowers, (Favorite candy), and allowing you to call him Fluffy for a month. "Thanks Fluffy! This is the best birthday I've ever had!" Ryou sighed. "Glad you think so."

Seto-You opened your eyes, noticing your room seemed different. It was covered in decorations. A butler stood next to you, holding a (plate/bowl) of your (Favorite breakfast). "Thanks!" You said while taking the plate from the butler. "My pleasure." After you had finished, the butler left with the dishes. As you went into your closet, you noticed an outfit hanging on a hanger which you had been wanting for months! Very excited, you put it on. The tags were already off, good thing it fit perfectly. After stylists came and styled your hair, you left you room, curious about what else Seto had in store for you. When you arrived at Seto's office, you found it locked. "Huh, that's odd. Seto never locks his office door." As you continued to search for Seto, you found a new gift in each room. Each gift was something you loved. At lunch, you went to the dining area where (Favorite lunch) was waiting for you, still nice and (hot/cold/room temperature). Next to your seat sat Mokuba. "Hey Mokuba!" You said while sitting down next to him. "Hey (y/n), happy birthday!" "Thanks! Do you know why Seto's office door it locked?" Yes, but I can't tell you. But I'm supposed to tell you to go to his office at seven pm." "Thanks." After lunch, you continued to go in each door, getting gifts each time. At seven pm, you headed to Seto's office. After knocking, you heard a, "Come in!" Which you did. Inside consisted of (Favorite dinner), (Favorite cake), tons more presents, and Seto, with a genuine smile on his face. "Happy birthday Superstar. I hope you've enjoyed today." "I have!" You said while hugging Seto. Seto hugged back, making you smile even more.

Joey-After waking up, you got dressed up extra nice. Today was your birthday and you were determined to look your best. After eating breakfast, you headed over to Joey's. Upon arriving, Joey let you in. "Hey babe, happy birthday!" "Thanks!" "So, what would you like to do today?" "Well, I'd like to do (Activity that you enjoy), then go on a walk, then eat out for dinner, and lastly, go back to my place for cake and presents." "If that's what you want, then so be it!" So you two did (activity). Afterwards, you went on a peaceful walk. Towards nightfall, you went to (Favorite restaurant). Following your delicious dinner, you headed back home, where you were surprised. A gigantic cake and presents awaited you. "When did you get this set up?" "That's a secret for me to know, and you not to find out." After the delicious cake, you opened your presents. They consisted of some Duel Monster cards, (Favorite candy), some jewelry, and a gigantic stuffed (Favorite kind of dog/puppy). "Joey, I love it! Today has been the best!" "I'm glad babe, I really am."

Atem-It was hard to believe, but it was your birthday. Atem made sure the entire kingdom was celebrating. You received tons of gifts. Atem also gave you many kisses. You could easily call this the best birthday you ever had.

Marik-You awoke to the smell of burning food. Jumping out of bed, you rushed downstairs to see Marik, trying to cook (Favorite breakfast). "Come on (y/n)! I try to surprise you for your birthday, and you go ahead and ruin it!" "Marik, that's really sweet. Really! But the food's burning!" "Oh...OH!" Marik then started freaking out. You were luckily able to prevent anything else from burning. For your birthday, Marik took you shopping and let you pick whatever you wished for. "How will you pay for this?" "I have my ways." At the end of the day, you had cake and received your own motorcycle from Marik. "But I have to be with you whenever you use it, understand?" "Understood." Yep, defiantly the best birthday ever.

Bakura-You were so excited for today. Why? Because it was your seventeenth birthday. 'Wonder what Bakura will do for my birthday.' But throughout the day, Bakura didn't do anything. "Bakura, do you know what today is?" "Tuesday." "I mean, does today represent anything special? Like a birthday or something like that?" "Not that I can recall." "You forgot, didn't you?" "Forgot what?" "MY BIRTHDAY!" Bakura's eyes widened. "Bloody hell, I did forget. I'm-" "HOW COULD YOU!?!" "Let me make it up to you!" "How can you?" Bakura then rushed out of the room and was gone for about an hour. When he came back, he had a (Favorite cake), and about seven presents. "I know they aren't wrapped, but I hope they'll suffice." "And you even got my favorite type of cake. This birthday might actually be enjoyable." "Well, what do you want first? Cake, or presents?" "Cake!" You ate the cake, and then opened the presents. Even though it started out crappy, it turned out to be a pretty good birthday.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if you didn't. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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