~When You Go Shopping~

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Yugi-You and Yugi were currently shopping for ingredients for a special meal Yugi was going to make for you. "Hey (y/n), can you help me?" "With what?" "Well......I can't reach the spices." "Oh, okay. Which one do you need?" "Mint." "Okay." You then grabbed the mint and handed it to Yugi. "I really wish I'd have my growth spurt already." "Don't worry, I'm sure it'll come.....Eventually....." Yugi sighed. "I hope you're right, I really do."

Yami-You had decided you'd finally take Yami shopping. Why hadn't you taken him before? Simple, you were too busy. But now you were finally getting to it. "So, what're we getting on our shopping trip?" "The food necessary to make a pizza." "Sounds good." After getting everything that you needed (Which wasn't too much), Yami tried to walk out with the food. "Yami! Wait!" Yami turned to face. "What is it?" "You have to pay before you can leave." "Oh, I thought they just gave the food out for free." "That'd be nice, but sadly, that isn't the case. Now let's go pay." So you paid, went home, and made a delicious pizza, just for the two of you.

Ryou-You and Ryou were peacefully strolling through the mall, trying to decide on a gift for each other. Normally you liked to keep each other's gifts a secret, but you decided you'd change things up. As you were looking around, you somehow lost Ryou. "Ryou, where are you?" It was like thirty minutes before you finally found Ryou. "Ryou, I finally found you!" "I was so worried I had lost you. Let's try to be more careful from now on." "Definitely!"

Seto-You're still not sure how you did it, but you managed to convince Seto to come to the mall with you. You were so excited to go shopping with him, for some reason. And since you're rich and all, you were able to have anything you wanted. "And I'll take this, and that, and that, and......That's all for now....I think." Although Seto was annoyed, he was happy that he was able to make you happy. He even bought a few things himself. "Seto, did you have fun today?" "Superstar, you should know that anytime that I'm with you, is a fun time." "Aw, Seto, you're so sweet." "Thanks."

Joey-You had to go to the store, so why not have your willing boyfriend tag alone? Only thing is........He didn't want to go. "Sorry Babe, I just don't want to go." "Please!" You then whimpered a bit. ".......Fine......But I want a kiss when we're done." "Deal!" So you two went shopping. And after, like you had promised, you gave Joey a sweet kiss. Totally worth it.

Atem-Now you and Atem could have anything you wanted. All you had to do was ask. But nevertheless, you thought you'd go shopping, just for fun. Of course, you had some guards to, well, guard you. "So, what shall I buy for my Queen?" "Doesn't matter. Anything from you I'll cherish." "In that case....." Atem then kissed you. "Will you cherish that?" "Of course. Now, let's actually get shopping." "Very well." And so, you shopped, buying anything you wanted.

Marik-"Why must I come?" "Because I don't want to go out alone. Plus, you've been inside too much." "Fine, but I want candy in return." "Deal, but you're paying for the candy." "I'll just use my millennium rod, because I'm too good to have to pay." You rolled your eyes. "Whatever hot shot, let's just go." But sadly for you, Marik complained the entire time. But he was happy once he got his candy. "You are a terrible shopping partner." Marik couldn't reply because his mouth was too full of candy. You just stormed off to make (Favorite Dessert/Treat).

Bakura-You and Bakura were shopping for some knives (Don't ask, Bakura loves his knives). "Bakura, this is boring!" "Relax (y/n), once we find the right knife, we can head home." Though he never was bale to find a knife that suited his interest. So you spent hours in the store, all being wasted. You can imagine how pissed you were after leaving after spending hours in vain. "Next time, just order online!"

Hope you enjoyed. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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