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Yugi-You giggled as you took a picture of Yugi, wearing a reindeer costume. "You look adorable!" "Thanks, now, it's your turn!" "What?!" You were surprised when you saw that Yugi had a reindeer costume for you. You ran away, frantically, but, he was able to catch you, and force you into the costume. "(y/n), you look adorable!" You sighed. When you awoke, the next day, you exchanged gifts. You gave Yugi a plush Dark Magician, while Yugi gave you tons of candies, and all sorts of treats.

Yami-Yami was ecstatic for his first Christmas. He was disappointed though, when he learned that Santa wasn't real. You gave Yami a new skateboard, for he had gotten into that recently. Meanwhile, Yami gave you a new grey kitten, with big green eyes. "I love him! I think I'll name him (Kitten's Name)." "A wonderful choice for (Kitten's Name)." "Thanks!" (Kitten's Name) then meowed cutely. What a wonderful Christmas this was for the both of you.

Ryou-You two drank tea, and watched the snow fall on Christmas Eve. You decided to sleep over at Ryou's apartment. When you awoke, a feast was awaiting you. You obviously got Ryou a new tea set, and he got you a car (Don't ask about how he was able to afford it). "Ryou, I love it!" "I'm glad, Sweetie, I really am."

Seto-Sadly, Seto refused to decorate either his office, or the mansion. But, Seto did buy you tons and tons of presents. So, I guess that makes up for it, right?

Joey-For Christmas, you had a huge feast. And, for each other's gifts, well, you both forgot about getting gifts, since, you both were so focused on making the feast. But, you did have meals for at least a week.

Atem-Once Atem heard of Christmas, he made sure the entire kingdom celebrated this holiday. Atem got you tons of jewelry. While you performed a dance routine for Atem, that you had created yourself. And, he loved it.

Marik-You and Marik didn't really celebrate Christmas. Mainly, because, Marik thought it was a waste of time, and used his millennium rod to make you think the same way. But, when you found out, you were quite pisses, and made Marik pay.

Bakura-"I know a way we can have fun this Christmas." "You do?" "Yes, by ruining it for everyone else." "Sounds like a great plan!" So, you two ruined everyone else's Christmas. What fun you two had.....

Malik-Malik had (Slave's Name) go to the store with you, and buy you whatever you wanted. In return, you wore multiple outfits in multiple poses for Malik's so called collection. Though, Malik made you forget about that, by making you a huge feast afterwards.

Jaden-For Christmas, you dueled, ate lots, and exchanged gifts. You could easily call this your favorite Christmas.

Syrus-For Christmas, you each got each other a lot of gifts. So many, you could barely hold all the gifts in your rooms. But, aside from that, you had a wonderful time.

Zane-You and Zane participated in a Secret Santa for the school. You had Alexis, and Zane had Chazz. You got Alexis new shoes she had been constantly talking about, and Zane got Chazz his favorite caramel candy. Jaden had you, and got you (Whatever you want), and Tyranno had Zane, and got him a Cyber Dragon poster. When all the gift giving was done, you and Zane just cuddled up near a fireplace, and watched the snow fall. It was very relaxing.

Jesse-For Christmas, you had gotten each other a lot of gifts. You both had a nice meal, and just enjoyed the holiday season. You both could easily say this was the best Christmas you had ever had.

Chazz-Christmas was a wonderful holiday for the both of you. You both gave each other gifts, ate a nice meal, and just enjoyed each other's company. 'I love Christmas!'

Aster-For Christmas, you and Aster gave to the poor, and the needy. You gave to orphans, and just the people who needed a little sunshine in their lives. And, in return, many people acknowledged you two as some of the most thoughtful people to live on the Earth.

Atticus-You and Atticus entered a singing contest. And, of course, you won, by a large margin. 'Not really a surprise to me. (y/n)'s such an amazing singer.' Other than that, you didn't do much for Christmas. 

I hope you enjoyed this holiday scenario. If not, I'm sorry. I'm open to suggestions. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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