~Chapter Seventeen~

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Your eyes fluttered open as you started to wake up. You glanced around to see Yugi and Yami passed out, Yugi partially on the couch while Yami was on the floor. You.......You were flop-sided on an armchair. As you started to get right-sided, you felt a sharp pain in your neck. 'Must've slept the wrong way.' You thought as you stood up. Looking upon the two sleeping boys gave you an idea. You grabbed your phone and took a picture of Yugi and Yami, who were still asleep. You then made the picture your lock screen picture. 

After starring at the adorable picture for about five minutes you decided you'd make a nice breakfast for the two look-a-likes. Rusting around the kitchen, you swiftly and silently made eggs, bacon, toast, and to finish it off, a nice glass of milk. 'I hope they like what I've made.' You thought while setting the table for the three of you. After the table was set, you realized Yugi and Yami were still asleep. 'Guess I'll have to wake them up now. What a shame, they look so peaceful when they're sleeping.' You then walked over to them and planted a small kiss on each of the boy's fore-heads. 

Though Yugi's eyes opened, Yami's remained shut. "Good morning Yugi, nice to see you're awake." You said with a smile. "(y/n)? What am I doing in your house?" Yugi said while sitting up, revealing his mess of a bed-head. You then burst into laughter, confusing Yugi. "What is it?" "Y-Your hair! I-It's completely crazy!" You were able to say in-between laughs. Yugi then left to find a mirror to realize you were right, his hair was completely crazy. Yugi's cheeks were dusted with pink from embarrassment. But he did return, to find you drawing a mustache on Yami using a black sharpie. "Shh! You'll wake him up." You whispered while continuing to add to the mustache. Yugi could hardly contain the laughter that threatened to escape, which would've woken Yami up. 

After finishing with the sharpie both you and Yugi pulled out your phones and took a few pictures of Yami and his new look. Once you had finished taking the pictures, You and Yugi sat down to enjoy breakfast. "Wow (y/n), this food's amazing!" Yugi said in-between bites. "Thanks, I've always liked cooking for the ones I love." 'Wait, ones she loves? Does that mean she loved me?' Yugi was taken out of his thoughts when he realized you were trying to talk to him. "Yugi? You in there?" "Y-Yeah, sorry. I just got lost in my thoughts." "That's fine. Think we should wake up Mr. Sleepy-head over there?" "But if we do then he'll get upset once he learns what you did." "True, but what's life without taking some risks?" You said while walking quietly over to Yami. "Wait (y/n), mind if I join you?" Your smirk then got even larger. "Fell free to join, the more the merrier." Yugi then joined you on your trip to Yami. Once you reached him, you both grabbed him and shouted, "WAKE UP MR. SLEEPY-HEAD!!!!" Which immediately brought Yami into the land of the awake, and he didn't look too happy about being woken up.  

Remember to comment if you liked the chapter. It really means a lot to me when you comment on my story. I'll see you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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