~Ending Number Two: Yugi~

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..........Yugi. Although Yami was nice and all, Yugi just had something Yami didn't. You couldn't quite figure out what it was, but that something was what made you love him. You then looked down at your phone to see it had almost been an hour. "If I don't hurry, Yugi may think I don't love him!" You said while rushing through the streets of Domino City, desperately hoping you could find your way to the bus stop. 

Yugi stood there at the bus stop, patiently waiting. But after an hour he decided to assume you were with Yami. Head hung low, he decided to start heading back to the game shop. "Yugi! Wait!" Yugi's head turned around to see you running up to him. Yugi stopped and waited for you to catch up. "What is it (y/n)?" "I......Need........To......Tell......You.......That.........I.........Love.........You........." You said in-between your panting. Yugi's eyes widened. "You....but....I thought you-" "Listen Yugi! You may not think I like you, but I do! And I always will! So will you just ask me to be your girlfriend and kiss me!?!" Yugi stood there shocked for a moment. "Yugi I-" "(y/n), will you make me the happiest teenager and be my girlfriend?" "Of course I will!" Yugi then showed the most adorable smile that ever existed. You then got on your knees, grabbed Yugi, and pulled him in for a kiss. 

After your sweet kiss, both of you were blushing madly. "Oh Yugi, I just love you so much!" You said while hugging Yugi. Yugi then winced in pain. You immediately pulled away. "I'm so sorry, I forgot about the fight and how you got injured." "It's fine (y/n)." "How about we go to my place and bandage up your injuries? After that, we could watch a movie." "That sounds great!" Yugi said while kissing you on the cheek. Your blush deepened. "Come on, we should head inside, it's starting to get dark." "Okay." You and Yugi then started to head back to your house, hand in hand. Although you didn't know it, this would be the start of a long lasting, lovingly filled relationship. 

Hope you liked Yugi's ending. I don't know if I'll be able to get the other endings up today. I'll try though. Later fellow readers! =^-^=

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