~When It's Your One Year Anniversary~

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I'm finally back from vacation! I'm so happy to be back. One main reason is posting my story. Man, I have missed posting so much. Hope you enjoy the scenario.

Yugi-You couldn't believe it, today was the day marking one year since you had chosen Yugi over Yami. You wondered what Yugi had in store for you. Meanwhile you had gotten him some new Duel Monster's cards. As you headed over to Yugi's, you could pretty much smell the cake Yugi was making for you. But to your surprise, Yugi wasn't cooking, Yami was. "Hey Yami, have you seen Yugi?" "He's in his room." "Thanks." You said while heading up to Yugi's room. When you entered, you noticed Yugi wasn't awake yet. "That explains it." You then left the cards on Yugi's nightstand and left, leaving Yugi to sleep in peace. Later when you were watching Yugi duel, you saw him use the cards you had given him. That brought a smile to your face.

Yami-"Hey (y/n), do you know what today is?" "Of course, it's our one year anniversary of us dating." "So, what would you like to do for such a special day?" "Not sure, you pick." "Well, why not go to the cupcake shop you, me, and Yugi once went to?" "Sure, sounds great!" So you went to enjoy your anniversary with cupcakes. What a delicious way to remember good times.

Ryou-You awoke to the scent of tea. A smile appeared on your face as you sat up. "Hello Fluffy!" "Happy one year anniversary to you too!" "Did you really bring me tea in bed? That's so sweet!" "Glad you think so." You then took the tea and drank it. After drinking your tea, you had a fun day with Ryou, doing things like going out for a walk and snuggling up for a movie at the end of the day.

Seto-Seto was determined to make you feel extra important today. That's why he left a note on your nightstand telling you to get dressed and be ready by eleven pm, and meet him in his office. You did as he instructed, and was entering his office at eleven pm sharp. When you entered, Seto was dressed up nicely. "Are you ready?" "Sure, happy one year anniversary." "Thanks." Seto then led you out and you enjoyed a day doing whatever you wanted to do. At the end of the day, you both watched a movie, falling asleep in each others arms.

Joey-You had just made breakfast for your sleeping boyfriend. It had been a year since you had started dating and you wanted to make it special. When you entered his room, you found him fast asleep. Poor you, you spent over thirty minutes trying to wake him up. After that, you were able to enjoy a peaceful day with Joey, doing things that you did on your first date and such.

Atem-You couldn't believe it, it was your one year anniversary of you being Atem's girlfriend. Which meant you'd been in ancient Egypt for over a year. Sure, you missed back home in the future sometimes, but you didn't regret anything. When you walked out of your room, Atem was waiting for you. "There's something I want to show you." Atem then led you to the outside garden where you found a bunch of (Favorite Flowers). "Wow, these are so beautiful!" "Ever since I knew these were your favorite flowers, I've been caring for them with my own hands. I hope you like your one year anniversary gift." "I love them!" You said before giving Atem a hug and kiss. "Mind if I give you your gift now?" "I won't mind." You then began to sing for your Atem. And he had to admit that it was one of the best gifts ever given to him. One, because your voice is so beautiful. Second, because it was from you. And third, because it was a gift from the heart.

Marik-Instead of making breakfast for each other, you ate of for breakfast. Afterwards, you rode around on your motorcycles, doing whatever you two could think of. You had a great time with each other. What a wonderful way to spend your one year anniversary.

Bakura-"Remember how we got together?" "Yeah......" "Bakura, do you regret accepting to date me?" "At first, yes. But now, I regret nothing." "What do you want to do for our one year anniversary?" "How about make-outs?" "Sounds good to me." So, that's what you two did.

If I can, I'll update once more today. But it is very late here and I'm very tired from the drive home. One thing I would like to say is thanks for all the views, votes, and comments. When I saw how many views I had, I almost cried. THANKS YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I honestly never thought my story would get this popular. Anyway, later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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