~When You Go Camping~

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Yugi-Now you occasionally liked going outdoors, but not often. That's why you were hesitant to agree to go camping. But when you learned it'd be just you and Yugi, you were easy to say yes. Once you arrived, which took like three hours, poor you, you set up camp. Yugi went to go get firewood, while you set up the tent. When Yugi came back, you could barely see his hair because of how much wood he was carrying. "You sure you have enough?" "I hope so." After eating hot dogs, you ate some delicious s'mores. When it got dark, you both laid under the stars. "The stars are so beautiful." "Not as beautiful as you." "Thanks Yugi." Yugi then pulled you in closer to him. You then fell asleep, while under the stars.

Yami-"Camping? Never heard of it." "Well, you'll learn about it tonight Lets go!" You two then got in your car, and headed out to a camping area. "So, we live in the forest!?!" "Kind've like that. Mind helping me set up the tent?" "It'd be my pleasure." So Yami helped you get camp set up. Once it was all set up, you and Yami went to go get firewood, enjoying the scenery, while getting the firewood. When you returned, you ate some s'mores while talking for what felt like hours till it was dark. "So, what now?" "We can tell scary stories if you want." "Sure, you start." Big mistake, Yami had some great horror stories, which scared you so much, you had to stop him in the middle of the story. "I'm sorry, but how we just go to bed?" "That's fine." You two went into the tent, where you enjoyed a peaceful sleep in the woods.

Ryou-You and Ryou had set this camping trip for weeks. When you arrived, you set everything up. "Sweetie, allow me to go get some firewood." "Hmm.......I guess I can allow it." Ryou then left, while you set up the tent, and got everything set up. When Ryou came back, you prepared s'mores, and had tea with the delicious s'mores. "This has been fun." "It sure has been." But Mother Nature apparently hated you, since she decided to rain on your parade, literally. So after you put everything in the car, you headed back home. "Too bad it had to end early." "Don't worry, we can always come back another day." "Guess you're right." Sadly for you, it rained for the next few weeks, so you didn't get to do your camping trip for a while. Sorry!

Seto-"Come on Seto!" You said, trying to drag Seto out of his office. "I'm sorry (y/n), but I'm super busy and-" "Earlier you said you might be able to spend time with me this evening because of how little work you have!" "Did I really say that?" "Yes! Now lets go!" You said while continuing to attempt to drag Seto. He sighed. "Fine, we'll do it in the backyard." "Yay!" Seto had part of the backyard set up just for your camping enjoyment. You were even able to convince Seto to leave his laptop back in the mansion. You had fun making s'mores, and just enjoying each other's company. And even though Seto won't admit it, he had some fun as well.

Joey-Joey was looking forward to your camping trip. You, you weren't. You hated anything that had to do with the outside world. But somehow, Joey was able to convince you to come. Once you arrived, you watched from the car as Joey set up the tent. "I'll go get the firewood. Be right back!" "Okay, don't take too long." Joey then left, while you stayed in the car. Once Joey came back, he began cooking your dinner. You still didn't come out. "Come on Babe, you must be hungry. It won't hurt you to come out for a minute." So, you came out, and tried to relax as you ate the food. Joey then made you s'mores. "Aren't you glad you came out?" "I guess so......." In the end, Joey was able to convince you to sleep outside with him. And surprisingly, you had fun. Joey was able to help you enjoy something you normally hated, and despised.

Atem-"Hey Atem, think we can go camping tonight?" "I'm not sure. It's dangerous at night outside the palace." "Then let's camp in the palace gardens." "I can agree to that." "Yay!" So you camped in the castle garden, and had a blast. "Hey Atem." "Yes, my Queen?" "Do you think my friends back in the future are looking at the same stars that we are?" "I'm not sure, but what I do know is that you're beautiful." "Thanks Atem. I'm glad I was able to meet you." "Same here." You two then fell asleep, under the starry night sky.

Marik-You and Marik were camping in a very tidy forest. "So, what now?" "You get firewood while I set up the tent." "But what if I don't want to go get the firewood?" You sighed. "Fine, I'll get the firewood." You said before leaving. Your camping experience wasn't the best, because Marik made you do all the work, while he sat back and relaxed. What fun.........NOT!

Bakura-"Why the bloody hell must I go camping with you!?!" "Because, if you don't, I'll just invite Ryou come. And we'll be all alone, in the forest." "Fine, I'll join your bloody camping trip!" "Yay!" After arriving, you and Bakura set up camp. Both of you enjoyed a nice meal of hot dogs and s'mores. "What now?" "We lay down under the stars, and fall asleep in each other's arms." "Sounds good to me." So, that's what you did, you fell asleep in each other's arms, while under the vast starry night sky.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if not. Later my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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