~When You're Cranky~

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Yugi-You awoke, feeling like you hadn't gotten any rest at all. And you knew what follows not getting enough rest, crankiness. You had warned Yugi to stay away, yet he still came over. "(y/n), would you-" "Just stop talking. We were having such a peaceful moment, and you just had to ruin it!" Yugi's eyes widened. "Maybe I'll just go now. You should really take a nap kitten." Yugi said, before leaving. You decided to take Yugi's advice, and took a peaceful nap. And you felt much better afterwards.

Yami-You were so worried. Yami was coming over for a movie. Normally, you'd look forward to movie nights. Not today. You didn't sleep well last night, and now, you were super cranky. You were afraid you'd say or day something you'd regret later. Soon, you heard a knock on the front door. Oh no, he's here! You let Yami in. "Ready for our movie night?" "I must warn you, I might be a bit cranky." "That won't be a problem." "Not a problem? You must not realize how terrorizing women can be when they don't get enough sleep!" You said with demon-like yes. Yami looked a bit shocked. "I guess you're right. But I'll have to endure, for nothing can keep me from loving you." You were shocked, but happy at the same time. Guess being cranky won't be a problem.

Ryou-Ryou was on his way to pick you up so you could head to school together, as usual. Only thing is, you didn't sleep well, and now you were very cranky. When Ryou knocked, you answered, all ready to go. But instead of a smile, a scowl was plastered on your face. "Sweetie-" "I'm very cranky so I suggest you shut your mouth." Ryou shut up, and was quiet the entire walk to school. He knew better than to oppose to a cranky women's instructions.

Seto-You had decided to have a movie marathon, lasting through the entire night. Now you were regretting it. You were now very cranky. "Hey (y/n), what do you want to do?" "Sleep." "It's twelve O'clock noon." "Are you saying that I can't sleep!?! I'll have you know I'm old enough to make my own decisions so butt out!"

Joey-Joey planned on coming over and you'd do something fun together. What he did not plan was you being super cranky. "What do you want Wheeler?" "Well, I was hoping we could do something fun together." "Well, I'm not in the mood. Try again later." You then slammed the door in Joey's face. "Well, that's not what I was hoping would happen." Joey then left, sad he didn't get to spend any time with you that day. Meanwhile you went back to bed, not able to remember slamming the door in Joey's face.

Atem-You didn't sleep well, and now you were cranky. You went into the throne room, trying to keep calm, and not explode on anyone. Atem seemed to notice this. "You okay my Queen?" "Just feeling a bit cranky, that's all." "Well, I'll make sure to be extra considerate today." "Thanks." And thanks to Atem, you didn't lose your cool.

Marik-"Good morning, how'd you sleep?" "Awful, I feel very cranky, so watch out." "So you'll be a bit tired and irritable, that's nothing to watch out for." "If you say so..." But let's just Marik had a rough time dealing with your cranky self.

Bakura-"Bakura, I suggest you don't come over today." "Why not?" "I'm feeling cranky." "Then I know just what you need." "Sleep?" "No silly, I mean a murder spree. Sending someone to the shadow realm can really brighten your mood." "Okay, I'll be over in thirty minutes." "Okay, see you soon." The call then ended. You then got dressed, and headed over to Bakura's apartment. "You ready?" "One question, how do I send people to the shadow realm?" "Just focus on the power in your millennium rod." "Okay!" You then focused and were able to send a baby squirrel to the shadow realm. "Great job! Now, are you ready to do it on a human?" "Yep!" So you two enjoyed sending people to the shadow realm together.

There is something you should know. I just started school today, so I won't be able to update as often. I will try to update as often as I can though. Hope you can understand. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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