~When You Have A Dance Party~

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Yugi-"Hey, (y/n), we just got a new game for our shop!" "Cool, what kind of game?" "It's called Just Dance. Want to try it out?" "Sure, sounds like fun." Yugi then led you to the TV, where he inserted the disc. "All you have to do is hold this remote, while following the dance moves on the TV." "Seems simple enough." Yugi picked a song, and, the game began. You both found the game very enjoyable. "Want to play again?" "Absolutely!" The two of you continued to play, till you were both exhausted.

Yami- You were currently dancing your heart out. That's when Yami walked in. "Dear (y/n), what're you doing?" "Oh, I'm dancing." "Would you mind helping me learn how to dance? It looks like fun, and I would like to join you." "Sure, I don't mind teaching you." You then taught Yami some basic dance moves. Yami seemed to be a quick learner. And, soon, Yami was as skilled of a dancer, as you. "Thanks for teaching me how to dance." "You're welcome. Besides, I had fun teaching you." "So, wish to dance together? I find dancing to be a really enjoyable activity." "Sure. Dancing with you is fun for me as well." And, then, you two danced the night away.

Ryou-"Ryou!" Ryou seemed taken off guard, with your sudden outburst. "What is it, Sweetie?" "I finally know what we can do whenever we're bored!" "Please, tell me what this thing is." "We could have mini dance parties!" "Sounds like fun." "Shall we have one, right now?" "I guess so." "Yay!" You then pulled out your phone, and turned on some music. You and Ryou then stood up, and began to dance, happy you were no longer bored.

Seto- Seto walked up to you, where you were eating. "I want a performance." Normally, you'd just be willing to do it. But, not today. "I want something in return." "You're joking, right?" "Nope." Seto sighed. "What is it?" "I want you to join me in a dance party." "Are you serious?" "Yep." "....Very well....Only ten minutes though." "I'll take it!" You then enjoyed a short dance party, and, in return, you gave Seto a singing performance.

Joey-You and Joey were having a singing contest, when, it hit you. "Hey, Joey, let's dance while you sing." "You mean, like a singing/dancing contest?" "Exactly!" "That sounds like an awesome idea!" You and Joey then began to dance, while singing. You both had a fun time, while having your mini contest. In the end, it was decided it'd be a tie. Now, you were both on the couch, exhausted. "That was fun." "Sure was. Want to do this again, tomorrow?" "For sure!"

Atem-"Hey, Atem, mind helping me with something?" "Sure, what is it, that you need help with?" "I want to learn how to dance, here in ancient Egypt." "Oh, but of course. I would be more than happy to teach you how we dance, here in ancient Egypt." "Thanks so much, Atemy!" Later, that day, Atem started teaching you how to dance. It took a couple of weeks, but, slowly, you started to get the hang of it. And, eventually, you were a very skilled dancer. All thanks to your sexy, Egyptian boyfriend.

Marik-You were on the couch, lazily watching (Favorite TV/Anime/Etc.) That's when Marik walked in. "(y/n), what are you doing?" "Watching something...." "You shouldn't be so lazy." "What would you suggest I do, instead?" Marik thought for a minute, before responding. "We should have a dance party!" "No-" Marik then used his millennium rod, to force you to dance with him Let's just say, after the dance party, Marik somehow got a black eye. I wonder who would do such a thing...

Bakura-You and Bakura were trying to figure out what to do, for finally getting your hands on the millennium necklace. "I got it!" "Will I like this idea?" "Probably not." "Then, I don't want to hear it." "It's having a dance party!" "No. Bloody. Way!" You groaned in frustration. "Please!" "No!" You sighed to yourself. "No, how about we-" Bakura stopped, as you lifted up the millennium rod. "Don't you-" You then forced Bakura to have a dance party with you.

Malik-"Malik, let's have a dance party!" "why would I want to do something like that?" "Because, I'll be wearing this." You then showed Malik your dancing outfit. "What're we waiting for? Let's dance!" You smirked, knowing that your plan would work. Though the dance part wasn't very fun, because, Malik was acting perverted, the entire time. 'Why, why did he have to be such a pervert?!?'

Jaden-"Want to have a dance party?" "I guess so..." So, that's what you did, enjoying a fun dance party, just the two of you.

Syrus-"Syrus, please!" "But... What if someone sees?" "So? Does it matter? All they'll see is two people having fun." Syrus sighed. "Fine." So, you turned on some music, and, had a mini dance party.

Zane-"(y/n), I don't dance." "Please, for me?" "No." You sighed, then proceeded to drag Zane away. "What do you think you're doing?" "Taking you to a private place. I figured you just didn't want to dance in public." Zane sighed. "Fine." You two then danced, in absolute privacy.

Jesse-"Let's dance!" You two then started the music, and, began to dance. You both had a blast. 'This is so much fun!'

Chazz-"Why do you want to have a dance party?" "Because, it'll be fun." "But-" "No buts! Just, dance!" Chazz sighed, and, started dancing with you. You had fun. Chazz... Not so much...

Aster-You and Aster were holding a professional duelist's party. But, you couldn't think of a theme. "I know! Let's have a dancing party!" "You're kidding, right?" "Nope." "Fine. We'll have a dancing theme." "Yay!" And, to Aster's surprise, almost everyone enjoyed the dancing theme.

Atticus-"Atticus, you always play music. But, do you everdance along with the music?" "No, not really." "Then, let's do it!" You turnedon (Favorite Music), and started dancing. "Come on, dance with me!" Atticussighed, and started dancing with you. It was so much fun. 

I hope you enjoyed. Sorry, if not. I normally don't do this, but, I'm going to advertise my newest story. It's a yandere simulator story (Budo Masuta X Reader) So, if you like YS, more importantly, if you like Budo, I think you'll like this story. It's on my profile. Anyway, if you'd check it out, I'd be very great-full. Have a great day! Later, my fellow reader! =^-^=

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