~When You Encounter A Fangirl~

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Yugi-Now for Yugi, he didn't have many fangirls since they normally flocked over to Yami (poor him). But every now and then, you would encounter a fangirl. And every time, you wouldn't know what to do. So you'd do the first thing that came to your head. Today, it was whispering threats into the fangirl's ear, scarring her off. Tomorrow it'll probably be something else. But no matter what, you wouldn't let the fangirls get to your adorable panda bear cub. 

Yami-You were used to fangirls since Yami had tons of them. So you had perfected your strategy to get rid of them. You'd simple say this, "Yami's my boyfriend, so he'll mind crush anyone that I want. The includes you, so I suggest you leave me and Yami alone!" Yep, that always got the fangirls to leave you and Yami alone. 

Ryou-Ryou, he had some fangirls, but luckily for you, they normally just watched instead of engaging him. But whenever they would engage, you'd just give them your, "I'll murder you if you get any closer" face. Always worked like a charm. Sadly for you, it sometimes scared Ryou as well. Which if it did happen, you'd give him a hug, letting him know you were still sweet and innocent. 

Seto-Now Seto, he rarely had a fangirl. But when one would occasionally show up, you'd threaten to make them broke. If they still persisted, you'd get a bodyguard to come and remove them. Yep, you wouldn't let anyone come close to your Seto. 

Joey-Joey, he didn't have many fangirls. But when you'd occasionally meet one, you were sure to be prepared. You had a mini water gun and you'd spray them while saying, "Begone witch!" Which would get rid of them. It you ran out of water, you'd just slap them. Always worked like a charm.

Atem-Now with Atem being the pharaoh and all, it was natural that he'd have a ton of fangirls. It seemed like every girl was in love with the pharaoh. So you developed a way to keep the women away from your precious Atem. You'd say you'd convince Atem to banish them if they didn't leave him alone. Always worked! 

Marik-Now Marik had a tons of fangirls, causing you to prepare a strategy to get rid of them. And this is what you'd do, you'd punch them. Very simple tactic. And it always worked like a charm. 

Bakura-Now you hated fangirls, so you created a plan to get rid of them. You'd use the millennium rod to make then leave. Millennium items, one point. Fangirls, zero points. 

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if you didn't. Remember, you can request any character or scenario. I'll probably update one more time before I leave for my camp and vacation. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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