~When You Do Something Stupid~

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Yugi-You and Yugi were currently walking home from school. You both were just talking when......."Hey Yami, do you-" "Did you just call me Yami?" "Did I? I was sure I called you Yugi." "Nope, you called me Yami." "In my defense, you look very similar." "That is a good back-up." "It sure is Yami. Wait, did I just do it again?" "Yep." You face-palmed. Sometimes you felt very stupid, and this was one of those times.

Yami-"Hey Yami, do you think you can teach me how to play duel monsters?" "Sure sweet (y/n), I'd be happy to help." "So, this card it s a trap card, right?" "No, that's a monster card. See how it had attack and defense points?" "No, I don't-" Yami then pointed to where the attack and defense points were. "Oh, there they are. Wow, I feel so stupid for not seeing that when it was right in front of me." "Don't worry, we all make beginner mistakes." "Yeah......" But let's just say, you never learned the game because you couldn't understand the rules.

Ryou-"Ryou, can you do something for me?" "Sure, what is it?" "Can you teach me how to speak British?" "Uh, you can't learn British." "Why not?" "British is an accent, not a language." "Oh....." At that moment you felt so stupid. "Right, I knew that......" "It's fine Sweetie, we all have our moments." "Doesn't mean they're pleasant." "That is true, very true."

Seto-You were in the kitchen, trying to cook a cake for Seto. But you didn't understand what it meant to beat an egg. So you did the only reasonable thing to do, you challenged it to a children's card game. Let's just say, that cake was never made, all because you didn't know how to beat an egg. You felt so stupid at that moment.

Joey-"Hey babe, there's something you should know." "What is it?" "Your shirt's on backwards." "It is!?!" You looked to see your shirt, was indeed, on backwards. You immediately raced to the bathroom, completely embarrassed. You felt so stupid at that moment.

Atem-You were trying to learn ancient Egyptian writing. But sadly, you weren't a natural. "So, this means.....I'm not sure." "That means hello." "Oh........." No matter how hard you trued, you couldn't learn Egyptian. So you continued to make a fool of yourself while trying to learn ancient Egyptian.

Marik-You felt so stupid. You had put in salt instead of sugar in your cake. But you didn't realize this until you had tried the brownies. You, an amazing cook, had made a beginner's mistake. Surprisingly, Marik didn't make fun of you. Instead, he said something like, "It's okay, we all make mistakes." This statement made you feel a lot better.

Bakura-You felt so stupid right now. You were supposed to pit your name on your paper. But instead, you put Bakura's name on the paper. And since you didn't have an easier on your pencil...........Looks like the teacher has two Bakura's no. Lucky him....NOT! 

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if you didn't. Remember, you're free to request characters or scenarios. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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