~When He Writes Poetry For You~

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Yugi- When you walked into the game shop, you found Yugi working on something. "Hey, Yugi, what're you doing?" "Nothing!" Yugi quickly hid whatever was in his hands. "Please, tell me!" "Not till it's finished!" "What's finished?" Yugi sighed. "The poetry I'm trying to write for you." "Aw, that's so sweet! Can I see, please?" "...Fine..." Yugi then handed you the piece of paper.

My sweet Kitten,

My one and only.

Of which I love so much.

What I wouldn't do,

To see your smile,

Each and every day.

My sweet Kitten.

"Yugi, this is wonderfully written!" "You really think so?" "I do." You then pecked Yugi on his cheek. "Will you let me know if you write any more poetry?" "Sure!"

Yami- You and Yami were in school, bored. That's when you noticed Yami writing something down. Soon, a note appeared on your desk. You opened up the note.

A sweet rose,

Is nothing compared,

To the beauty,

Of my one and only.

For, she is sweet,

And kind.

What I wouldn't do,

To make her mind

'Aw, that's so sweet! I didn't know Yami could write poetry.' Yami then turned to you, and mouthed, 'Did you like it?' You nodded. You could see Yami smile, and sigh in relief. Later, you made sure to thank Yami for the sweet poem.

Ryou- You and Ryou were in a creative writing class, and today, you were supposed to write a poem. After class, Ryou and you were walking to class, when, Ryou stopped you. "What's up?" "Here." Ryou then handed you a piece of paper. You looked at it, and saw it was his poem. "Hope you like it. I made it just for you." "I'm sure I'll love it!" You then read the poem.


It's expressed in many ways.

Some give gifts,

While others do service.

Others do hot make-outs.


All I have to give,

Is this simple poem,

Of which,

I hope you'll love,

And cherish,

For all your days.

"Ryou, it's a wonderful poem!" You said, while hugging Ryou. "I'm so glad you like it. I can make more poems, for you, if you'd like that." "I'd love that!" And, that's how Ryou's poetry became one of your top requests when it came to gifts.

Seto- You were interrupted from your (TV show/anime) by a knock on your bedroom door. "Come in." "My apologizes, Ms. (y/l/n), but, Mr. Kaiba wanted you to have this." The assistant then gave you a folded piece of paper. You unfolded it, to find a hand-written poem.

All the money in the world,

Doesn't mean a thing.

If you're not there,

By my side.

So, please.

Never leave me.

My sweet,

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