~When He Gets Mad~

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Yugi-You and Yugi were getting your semester grades. You were pretty sure you were going to be fine. Little did you now how Yugi would respond to his scores. "All C's! This is an outrage!" Yugi then flipped his desk over and stormed out of the classroom. 'Wow, never saw that coming. Who knew Yugi could actually get upset?'

Yami-"You've got to be kidding me!" You sighed, not sure what to say to your boyfriend. "No, I'm no." "In that case......" Yami then left with duct tape. You followed Yami to see him duct taping your mom. "What do you think you're doing!?!" "Well, she insulted you, and I don't let anyone get away with insulting my sweet (y/n)." "In that case, feel free to duct tape her. She had it coming to her." Yami smirked. "Whatever you say, dear (y/n)." Let's just say, your mom doesn't like Yami anymore.

Ryou-You'd never seen Ryou like this before, never. For once, he was mad. You just didn't know what he was mad at. "Ryou, what're you mad at?" "My package won't be here on time!" "What package?" "The one for you, but what's inside's a secret." "Oh.....Guess now I can understand why you're mad." "Don't worry, the wait will be worth it." "Well, now I can't wait to see what it is." The gift, a diamond necklace with matching earrings.

Seto-"Seto, try to calm down...." "Sorry, but I won't calm down Superstar." You were afraid Seto would say that. One of Seto's employees decided to insult you, saying you were ruing the company and turning Seto soft. You tried to keep it a secret from Seto, but he found out, and then, he was furious. "Not only will I fire him, I will make sure he's never employed ever again!" You sighed, knowing better than to try to change Seto's mind once he was set on something.

Joey-"Don't you dare show Seto that picture!" "Too late, already sent." Now Joey was mad. "(y/n)!" You ran away, fearing what Joey would do to you once he caught you. Sadly for Joey, the picture was him in a doggie suit. Let's just say, Joey was never able to hear the end of it. Poor Joey!

Atem-"How dare you scare my queen! You're banished!" "Atem, please have mercy!" "Sorry (y/n), but he should've known better than to scare you." You sighed, knowing it was better than to challenge the word of the pharaoh. The man left, while weeping. 'I feel bad for him. I hope he can survive out there on his own.'

Marik-Now Marik could get mad very easily. But, he'd try to contain his anger. Despite this, there was one thing that'd get him ticked off big time. That is, if you played with his millennium rod. That'd set him off big time, so you didn't do it often.

Bakura-Bakura, he gets pissed very easily. Though what's tick him off the most is when you play with his hair. "Stop messing with my hair!" "Come on, it's like a cloud! How can I say no to a cloud?" Bakura then left your house, very furious. "Aw......Come back fluffy cloud!"

Hope you liked it, sorry if you didn't. I don't have anything else to say so........Later my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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