~When You're Jealous~

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Yugi-You and Yugi had recently made some new friends. They were all fine, except Tea. Yugi seemed to spend so much time with her that one day, you had enough. You stomped over to where they were sitting. You then said, "Get away! He's MINE!" In Tea's face, causing her to run out to who knows where. "(y/n), were you jealous?" "No........" "Don't worry, I'll never leave you." "Okay." "But I can tell you were jealous." "I wasn't jealous!" "Sure you weren't......."

Yami-As you walked into the classroom, you saw Yami talking to some random fangirl. For some reason, you felt like she didn't deserve to talk to Yami. But why did you feel that way? Doesn't matter, you were going in. You stormed over to Yami and the fangirl. Yami looked happy to see you, the fangirl didn't. "Get lost!" The fangirl fainted on the spot. "Didn't expect that to happen. Whoops...." "Sweet (y/n), may I suggest you don't let your jealously get the better of you next time." "But-" "Don't try to deny it." "Fine, maybe I was a little jealous......." You said while sitting next to Yami, able to enjoy the rest of the free time talking to your boyfriend. 

Bakura-You and Bakura were in a local tea shop, when a waitress came up to take your order. But she wasn't taking your order, she was flirting with Bakura, who seemed very uncomfortable. You blood began to boil. How dare she treat him like that. "Excuse me Miss, my BOYFRIEND would just like to order. Not hang out with scum like you!" Both Bakura and the waitress were shocked. The waitress quickly took your order and left. "Bakura-" "It's okay, I forgive you." "Forgive me for what?" "For getting jealous, of course." "But I wasn't-" "Forgiven and forgotten." You sighed. Perhaps you were jealous, you just didn't want to admit it. "Can we just forget that happened and just enjoy our tea?" "Whatever you want sweetie." You were glad Bakura was so understanding. 

Seto-You weren't the jealous type, so it was hard for you to get jealous. But you'd notice every now and then one of Seto's assistants flirting with him. Today, you decided you had had it. You stormed over to the two and declared, "You're fired!" And since Seto had given you the power to do so, it had been done. In shock, the assistant left. "Jealous much?" Seto said with a smirk. "No......" "If you say so."

Remember you can request any character or scenario. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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