~When You Learn His Fear~

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Yugi-For Yugi, the list could go on and on for what he was afraid of. But at the top of his list, were you leaving him for Yami. But you'd continually reassure Yugi that you wouldn't leave him for Yami. That always seemed to cheer Yugi up.

Yami-"Yami, I have a question to ask." "Ask away, I have an answer." "Are you afraid of anything? You just seem so fearless, so I was just curious." "Actually dear (y/n), I do have a fear. A fear of losing you to the shadows." "I don't understand." "Remember when Marik kidnapped you?" "Yeah." "Well, I have nightmares about him coming back and dragging you to the shadow realm with him. That, sweet (y/n), is my fear." "Oh...Thanks for letting me know." "Always happy to answer your questions." "Don't worry Yami, Marik won't come back. And he won't drag me to the shadow realm. Besides, even if he tried to, I know you'd come and save me." "That is correct, I would save you. Thanks (y/n), now I feel much better." "Always to help."

Ryou-Ryou, he didn't seem to be afraid of much. But there was one thing that'd make him run away, screaming. Bats. He would think they wanted to turn him into a vampire, and he'd scare you off. That's why he didn't like to go out on midnight strolls, unless absolutely necessary. One day, you decided to figure out why. "Hey Ryou, why do you hate going out at night?" "Promise not to laugh?" "Promise." "Okay. Well, I'm afraid of a bat turning me into a vampire. Mainly because I don't want to scare you." "One, that's so sweet. Two, vampires don't exist. And lastly, even if you were a blood-sucking vampire, I'd still love you." "Now I feel much better. I think I'll go on a evening stroll tonight." "Mind if I accompany you?" "Not at all, you'd just make the stroll more enjoyable." So it turns out you helped Ryou overcome his fears, good for you!

Seto-You noticed Seto to be thinking about something. And that something seemed to cause Seto to do some intense thinking. "Hey Seto, you okay?" "Would you love me even without my money?" "Of course I would, why would you ask such a ridiculous question?" "I...Have this fear that when if I lose my money you'll leave me as well. That's all...." "You don't need to worry, I love you for you. Not for your money. Is that clear?" Seto responded by pulling you in for a passionate kiss. That seemed to answer your question perfectly.

Joey-"Joey, do you have a fear?" "Me, Joey Wheeler, have a fear? Never going to happen!" "Okay, just asking." But one day while in Joey's house, you found his journal. Inside, you learned his fear of losing you for Seto. "Babe, what're you doing in my room?" "Don't worry, I'll never leave you for Seto. He has too cold of a heart." You said while hugging Joey. "Did you read my journal?" "Maybe......" You said before running away from Joey's Brooklyn rage.

Atem-You and Atem were walking around when you heard a shriek that sounded like a little girl. "Atem, you okay?" "There's a-a snake!" You looked to where Atem was pointing, and you saw a tiny brown snake. "That's all?" "They're vicious!" Atem was now hiding behind you. "Don't worry, I'll protect the big Pharaoh from the tiny, harmless snake." "It's not funny!" "Oh, I'd have to disagree." "I'm never going to live this down will I?" "Nope!" "I was afraid you'd say that."

Marik-You and Marik were sitting next to each other in science class. Today, you were learning about snakes. Though when they video started, you noticed Marik shaking. "Marik, are you afraid of snakes?" "Yeah, I was bit when I was a child. Now, I have a fear of them." "Okay. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." "Good."

Bakura-You had always thought Bakura was fearless. That is, until you saw him cowering away from a spider. "(y/n), mind killing this for me?" "I guess so...." So you easily killed the tiny, harmless spider. "Bakura, are you seriously afraid of spiders?" "No, I just don't like them." "Yeah, sure.........Sure........"

Hope you enjoyed this scenario. I'll probably update tomorrow. But there's something you should know. School's starting soon and it's my first year at high school. What I'm trying to say is that I'll be a lot more busy, and not able to update as often. I'll update when I can. I hope you can understand. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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