~Chapter Eight~

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I don't have anything else to say so I'm just going to skip to the story. 

"Just great, gym class." Yugi muttered under his breath. For as you may not of known, Yugi had never been the most athletic person. But now that he had you as a friend he didn't want to embarrass himself. 'Hey Yugi, if you want, I could take over' 'Really? That'd be great! Thanks!' 'No problem Yugi, always happy to help.' And with that, Yami was in control. 

Of course you, you weren't so lucky. You weren't athletic or non-athletic, you were just in the middle. Unfortunately for you, you didn't have an athletic spirit that could take over.  After sighing to yourself you got in (f/c) shorts, a gym t-shirt, sneakers (if you weren't already wearing them), put your hair in a ponytail (if you can), and headed into the gym. 

You searched until you had found Yami. Upon finding him you jogged over to him. "Hey Yami, so why're you taking over right now? Is Yugi doing okay?" "Yeah, he just doesn't like gym." "Guess that makes two of us. Gym's one of my least favorite classes (sorry if you enjoy gym). " "Well, I hope having me with you can make gym enjoyable." Your eyes lit up, a scheme forming in your head. "Wish to make that a challenge?" you asked, hoping he'd take the bait. "What kind of challenge?" Yami asked, unaware of your intentions. "So basically, to put it simply, you try to make me have fun in gym. If you succeed, I have to do something for you. If you fail, you have to do something for me. Sound like a deal?" Yami thought about it before responding. "It's a deal!" "Don't think I'll go easy on you" "I'd be insulted if you did." And thus, the challenge began. 

Sorry it's so short. >_< I promise the next one will be longer. Until next time my fellow readers =^-^=

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