~When You Draw Him~

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Yugi-You had recently gotten into the habit of sketching. And right now, you were looking for inspiration, when it hit you. You asked Yugi to come over, saying it was urgent. Two minutes later, Yugi was over. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Then why did you ask me to come over?" "Because I want to sketch you, but I need a model." "Oh, okay." Yugi then came inside and let you use him as a model. When you were done, you showed it to Yugi. "Wow, that looks amazing!" "Thanks. But it isn't as good looking as the real one." Yugi blushed, then pulled you in for a kiss, which you both enjoyed.

Yami-After seeing fanart of (Favorite Anime/TV show/Book), you were inspired to draw your own fanart of something you love. But what to draw? Soon, your mind went to Yami, and you began drawing your modern day pharaoh. What you didn't expect was to fall asleep while drawing. When you awoke, you found yourself in your bed. "When did I get here?" You then saw a note on your nightstand. You read it, then smiled, glad Yami liked your drawing of him.

Ryou-After failing last time, you were reluctant to draw again. But you were determined to surprise Ryou, so you picked up the pencil and began sketching. Sadly, none of your pictures turned out well. When Ryou found them, he just smiled and said, "It's the thought that counts."

Seto-You were completely bored out of your mind. Knowing Seto was busy, you decided not to bother him. Although you did want to cheer him up since he had been I quite a foul mood the past week. So, what do you do? You decided to sketch Seto in a way that shows how amazing he was. After you had finished, you put the picture in his room, then left. Although it didn't seem like much to you, Seto greatly appreciated the picture of him and even saved the picture for years to come.

Joey-"Why won't this pencil work!?!" You were trying to sketch Joey, but it turns out, you don't have any artistic talent whatsoever. And that pissed you off to no end. You were so irritated that you didn't notice Joey come in and start to inspect your artwork. "Not bad." You snapped back into reality. "Don't look at that!" You said while taking the picture from Joey. "Why?" "Because, I'm a terrible artist." "Well, I think you're a pretty good artist." "You really think so?" "Does Joey Wheeler lie?" "No, and thanks!" Now your confidence about your artistic skills sky-rocketed. If only you knew Joey was lying to you the entire time.

Atem-You were bored, and you had a writing tool and paper, so why not draw your super sexy pharaoh? You got to it. Sadly, you didn't have much artistic talent. When Atem saw the picture, he looked at it in confusion. "So, what's this supposed to be?" You sighed before flopping on your bed, groaning. You should've known better than to try to draw. But Atem did appreciate the effort, cheering you up somewhat.

Marik-Just like your cooking, you were an amazing artist. Deciding you needed a poster of Marik in your room, you drew yourself one. When Marik came in, and saw the poster, he smirked. "Nice work." "Thanks." But sadly for you, Marik now wants posters for his room. Seems like it's back to the drawing board for you.

Bakura-In art class, you had to draw someone you admire. You, of course, drew Bakura. After art class, you showed the picture to Bakura. "Wow, I'm actually impressed." "Really?" "Yes, really." You felt so happy, knowing Bakura was actually impressed with something you did. 

I plan to update one more time today. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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