~When You Learn That You're Going Mute~

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Yugi-"Hey Kitten, want to watch a movie together tonight?" You answered, but nothing came out. "Kitten, are you okay?" You shook your head no. Later, you went to the doctor, where you learned your vocal chords weren't working, and without proper surgery, you wouldn't be able to speak again. But you didn't have enough money. What would you do now?

Yami-You were at the doctors, where you had just learned you'd never be able to speak every again, due to a rare disease. You cried the entire way home. Yami was there, comforting you. He wishes he could do something to help you. But what could he do?

Ryou-"Sweetie, everything's going to be okay." Ryou said, trying to comfort you. For you had just learned you'd never be able to talk again. You just continued to cry, unsure about the future. What could you do?

Seto-"Superstar, you're going to be fine." Ever since he learned you had a disease that was making you mute, Seto had been looking nonstop for a cure. But you didn't' believe he'd find a cure. Though Seto was determined to find a cure. For he wouldn't know what he'd do without your beautiful singing voice.

Joey-"(y/n), babe, why aren't you talking?" You wrote down how you learned you had a disease that made it so you couldn't talk. And to get surgery to fix it, was too expensive. "Oh, don't worry babe, I'll fix this!" You just nodded your head, even though you didn't' believe that it was possible that your voice could be saved.

Atem-You were crying in your bed, that is, until Atem walked in. "My Queen, what's the matter!?!" You wrote down some things, and handed it to Atem. Once he read it, his eyes widened. "I see. Don't worry, I'll fix this. Trust me." You mouthed, 'I trust you.' Atem nodded, before closing his eyes.

Marik-"Why aren't you talking!?!" You wrote something down, and gave it to Marik. "You have a certain disease, and it makes it so you can't talk?" You nodded. "And you can't afford for surgery?" You nodded once again. "Don't worry, I know how to fix this! Follow me!" Marik then led you out of the house, and you then rode to the hospital. "Don't worry, I have a plan." You then followed Marik into the hospital.

Bakura-"(y/n), are you okay?" You shook your head no. "What's wrong?" You pointed to your throat. "You can't speak?" You nodded your head yes. "Well, that's easy enough to fix. Just let Bakura use his magic, and everything will be better." You nodded, and closed your eyes.

Malik-You were killing someone, when you accidentally slit your throat. Malik immediately took you to a hospital. At the hospital, the doctor explained that you'd slowly go mute. You cried a lot that night, whereas Malik was determined to fix your voice.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if not. Please comment, I like to know what you think of the scenarios that I make. Later my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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