~Ways You Make Him Blush~

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Yugi-Now for Yugi, anything you'd do could make him blush. But the thing that's get him the most would be when you would kiss at the tip of his lips, then pull away, smirking. You'd only do that to see him blush, you mischievous little troublemaker........

Yami-Yami isn't the type to blush, unless......You wore something a little more revealing. He'd just look away, blushing. You'd giggle, knowing it'd make him blush. Only reason you bought that outfit, and it was worth it!

Ryou-Ryou, he's blush easily. You could do almost anything, and he's blush. But when you'd put your head in the crook of his neck while snuggling, he's turn a deeper shade of red than normally.

Seto-Now Seto, he doesn't blush often. Except for when he tells you that he loved you. He'd always look away, blushing, letting you see his somewhat sweet side.

Joey-Joey isn't the time to blush often. Not even a make-out could make him blush. But when you'd wink, he can't help but turn a deep shade of red.

Atem-Atem would blush anytime you sat in his lap. He'd turn a deep shade of red. Another way you could make him blush is if you said, "You're my sexy pharaoh." Though he'd try to hide it.

Marik-Marik isn't the type of person to blush often. But when you'd talk about ruling as his queen, then giving him a kiss, he'd turn a deep shade of red.

Bakura-Bakura isn't the type to blush easily. Yet there was one thing that'd make him blush like crazy. It's when you'd peck him on the cheek, then whisper in his ear, "You'll always be mine." That'd make him blush deep red.

Sorry for another short chapter. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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