~Chapter Nine~

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I know I said I'd only post one chapter a day but I'm bored so I might as well post another chapter. 

Yami stood, smirking as you realize you had just lost. "Looks like I win." "I just can't believe I lost. I despise gym yet you were somehow able to make me have fun." "How about tomorrow in the morning you come over before school. I'll then tell you what you have to do. Okay?" Yami said, idea already planted in his mind about what you'd have to do. "Fine, but please don't be to torturous." You pleaded. Yami chuckled. "Don't worry, it's not too bad what I have in store for you. But I might make my good-bye since gym's over. So I'll see you later." And with that, Yugi was back in control. 

"Hey (y/n), how was-" Yugi stopped when he saw the distress on your face. "Something wrong?" "I'm fine, it's just I lost a bet with Yami and now I have to do something for him and I'm just nervous about what that will be." "Oh, okay. Sorry to hear that." "It's fine, shall we head to our next class?" "Sure." Soon you and Yugi were both headed to the dreaded math class.

"Must..........Stay...........Awake" You whispered to no one in particular. But who could blame you? You're exhausted from gym and math's as boring as it gets. "Do you know the answer to number three?" Yugi asked, slightly embarrassed he had to ask for help. "Sure." You said while showing him the answer. "Thanks" "No problem". Just because you hated math didn't mean you had to suck at it. In fact, you were at the top of every class, except gym.

Of course later you were put into pairs to evaluate each other's work. And it so happened that you were paired with Yugi, one of your few friends. As you showed each other your work, Yugi was amazed about how smart you were. "Wow (y/n), when'd you get so smart?" "I've always been at the top of the class. You know, if you want, I could tutor you so you don't fall behind." Yugi's eyes lit up. "You'd really do that for me?" "Of course, anything for a friend." You said with a smile. Though Yugi's smile started to fail. 'I wish I was more than a friend.' he thought. Luckily for him, you didn't notice the failure in his smile. "How about you come over after school so we can start today." "Sounds good to me." Yugi said, trying to keep you convinced that he was fine. But it was so hard for him. Every moment he spend with you only made him more in love with you. Though Yugi was convinced that you liked Yami more.

'Hey Yugi, you okay?' Yami asked through their special telepathic connection. 'Yeah, I'm fine.' 'If you say so......' Yami said before retreating back to his puzzle. 'I really wish I have my own body right now.' Yami thought. For like Yugi, he had fallen for you as well. To him, you seemed like an angel sent to him from heaven. Everything about you seemed amazing. 'But what if she doesn't like me. She probably likes Yugi better.' Yami thought before receiving a message from Yugi. 'Hey Yami, I need to ask you a question.' 'What is it Yugi?' 'Do you think I have a chance with (y/n)?' Yami thought for a moment before responding. 'Maybe, I'm not sure. You'd just have to wait and see.' 'Thanks Yami, you're always there to give me your honest opinion.' 'Yeah.......' Yami's voice trailed off. 'Just great! Yugi likes (y/n) too......Now I really don't have a chance with (y/n).' Yami thought, unaware that Yugi had heard his thoughts. 'Wait, you like (y/n) too?' Yami sighed. 'Yes, I do like (y/n).' 'Guess that means we both like (y/n). But let's promise that no matter what, we won't let a girl break out bond.' Yugi said, worried that liking the same girl would break the precious bond they had. 'Don't worry, I'm sure our bond will be fine.' Yami said, completely sure they'd never lose their bond, no matter what. 'Well, it was nice talking to you but me and (y/n) have a study session to go do. Bye!' With that, Yugi left their telepathic conversation, leaving Yami all alone.

"Hey Yugi, why were you silent the entire bus ride home?" You asked while getting off the bus. "Sorry (y/n), I was just talking to Yami thanks to this telepathic connection we have." "That's pretty cool, you ready to study?" "Yep."And then the two of you entered your house.

Hope this longer chapter makes up for the shorter chapter eight. I'll be posting more this weekend so look forward to it. Make sure to comment, vote, or follow if you liked the story. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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