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Okay, I have some news for everyone. As a writer, I try to make everyone happy. An example of this, is doing characters I don't really like (Malik....). But, I do have the right to refuse a request. And, that's exactly what I'm going to do right now. I'm not going to do Priest Seto. I just don't have any inspiration for him. I really do want to make everyone happy, really! But, this is just too much for me. I hope you can understand. Please don't be mad. It's just, I've been working so hard to get so many different characters done, plus live life. And, I did try to do Priest Seto, really, I did! It took me thirty minutes to get through two scenarios. THIRTY MINUTES! If I tried to do every scenario for him, it'd take me FOREVER!!! So, that's all I wanted to say. I will be doing Atticus and Aster next. And, I must say, I'm excited to do them. I guess that's another thing that determines how long it takes me to do a character: How much I like them. So, yeah, please, oh please, don't complain. That just makes me feel like a bad person. I'm not trying to be selfish, I'm just trying to manage life, without becoming too stressed out. PLEASE UNDERSTAND! 

....Later my fellow readers....=^-^=....

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