~Christmas Shopping~

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Yugi-Even though Christmas was over, it couldn't hurt to do some extra shopping, right? That's why you and Yugi were currently at the store, just browsing around. Though, sadly, you weren't the only ones who had this idea. "Yugi, stay close. I don't want you to be trampled." Yugi sighed. The one thing he wanted for Christmas, other than for you to be happy, was for him to be taller. It didn't happen, sadly. "Okay..." But, because Yugi stayed close to you, you didn't get separated.

Yami-"Dear (y/n), why are we shopping, if Christmas is already over?" "Because, there's tons of things on sale!" Yami soon learned that you weren't the only one who thought this way. You two soon got separated from each other. Yami was getting tired of being pushed around, so, he mind-crushed everyone in the store, except you. "YAMI!" "Oops....." You sighed. "Let's just go home." You then dragged Yami out of the store, very angrily. Yami stayed quiet, afraid to anger you even farther.

Ryou-While shopping, Ryou somehow got separated from you. "Ryou!" You shouted, while trying to find him. Sadly, you didn't find him for the next three hours. "Next time, remind me to hand-cuff you to me." "Okay...." Ryou thought you were kidding. You weren't.

Seto-"Seto, can I have that?" "Yes." "And that?" "Yes." "And-" "YES! YOU CAN HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT!" "...Thank you...." You said, before kissing Seto. Afterwards, you ran off, to go order yourself millions of things you didn't even need. Seto sighed. 'She's going to make me go bankrupt....'

Joey-"(y/n), why can't we just order online?" "Because, I don't want to have to pay for shipping." "Fine...." You two then entered the store. Of course, Joey couldn't keep his eyes off of the food. And, as always, you had to drag Joey away from the food. 'Why didn't I just leave Joey at home!?'

Atem-"Excuse me, sir, how much paper money can you give me for this?" Atem said, while handing the employee a necklace that had tons of jewels on it. "Uh....." Atem was soon a millionaire, in the future. He then, secretly, bought you a ton of things, that you had said that you wished you had in the past. 'I hope she likes all of these things.....' And, indeed, you loved all that he had gotten you.

Marik-"I'm not going shopping!" "Marik...." You said, while giving Marik your intense death glare. "...Fine..." You two headed out to the store, where, you got a lot of things for free, courtesy of Marik mind-controlling all the employees. 'I love having a boyfriend who can control people's minds!'

Bakura-Bakura was shopping with Ryou, trying to find a perfect gift for you. "Do you think she would like this?" Ryou said, while holding some random thing up. "Too much pink." "Okay." Ryou put the thing away. While shopping, Bakura and Ryou ran into a couple. "Would you mind helping us?" With what?" "We can't find our child." "You seriously lost your child?" "Yes." "Come on, Bakura, let's help them-" "We don't have time for this." "Please, I'm desperate. I'm willing to give this, if you can help us." The mom showed something, that Bakura knew you would just love. "CHILD! COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE!" So, Bakura helped a couple, and, got you a perfect gift. Looks like Ryou was pretty useless (Other than helping Bakura not scare the poor kid).

Malik-"I'm not going to waste my time shopping. Especially when we have a slave that can do it for us." "Fine...." You then left, with your slave, to shop, without Malik. But, when you returned, Malik had made a nice meal for you. So, it was worth it to go shopping, without Malik.

Jaden-"Jaden, come look at this!" "What is it, (y/n)?" You showed Jaden a stuffed Winged Kuribo. "Aw, it's so cute!" "Then, I'll get it, for you." "But-" "Relax, it's not too much money." "If you say so."

Syrus-"So, (y/n), what do you want me to get for you?" "Hm, I don't know." "That's not helpful!" "Come on, use your head. I'm sure you'll think of something." You then walked off. Syrus walked around, hoping the perfect gift would pop up. And, soon, it did. He immediately took it off the shelf, and bought it. "Syrus, did you find..." You stopped, when you saw the perfect gift. "I hope you like it..." "I love it!" You then hugged Syrus. He hugged back. 'Glad you like it, (y/n).'

Zane-You were kind've nervous, to go shopping with Zane. What if you bought something, and, Zane didn't like it? What if the gift he wanted was too expensive? What if a meteor fell on the store? Okay, the last one isn't likely to happen. But, still.... "No need to be nervous. I'm sure I'll love whatever you get me." That relieved you, somewhat. And, after getting Zane his gift, the moment of truth happened. "(y/n)...." Oh no, did he not like it?! "I love it. Thank you." You sighed in relief. "Now, here's your gift." Zane then handed you (Gift). The gift you had been wanting for so long. "Thank you!" "You're welcome."

Jesse-When you two went shopping, you were always gone at least four hours. And, since you were going Christmas shopping, everyone knew you'd be gone at least seven hours. But, you shocked all of them. You were gone ten hours. Just what do you do when you go shopping!?

Chazz-Everyone was shocked, when they saw that Chazz was actually going to a store. But, the thing he wanted wasn't available online. So, that meant that he had to go the store. And, since Chazz was actually willing to go out, you insisted on joining him. Chazz allowed you to come, and, you two ended up buying a lot more than what Chazz intended on buying.

Aster-"Aster, I'm stumped." "On what?" "On what to get you for Christmas." "Oh, well, that's easy." "Really?" "All I want is you." "That's sweet. But, I'm sure you have something for me. And, I don't want to have nothing for you." "Fine, let's go shopping." Aster pulled out his laptop, and, Aster showed you exactly what he wanted. "Then, in that case, I'll get it for you." "Thanks." You two then kissed.

Atticus-"Atticus, let's go shopping!" "Now?" "Yes!" "Okay..." You two went shopping, and, found some great deals. Afterwards, you both headed back home, to wrap your gifts, even though the other person knew what the gift was.  

Hey, sorry it took me a while. I've been very depressed lately, and.....I don't want to talk about it. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Feel free to request scenarios. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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