~How You Get Him To Spend Time With You~

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Yugi-Now Yugi was normally always willing to spend time with you. But there'd be times when he wasn't. That's when you'd use the puppy dog eyes on him. That'd get him to stop what he was doing, and spend time with you. Always worked!

Yami-Yami, he was hard to persuade. Yet you knew what to do when you wanted him to spend time with you. You'd threaten him to show the video of him singing Pharaoh's Throne to others if he didn't spend time with you. Worked like a charm.

Ryou-Luckily for you, Ryou was willing to spend almost all his time with you. But when he wasn't, you'd bribe him with tea. He'd always spend time with you after that. Maybe he loves tea too much....

Seto-Seto was normally very busy, and unable to spend time with you. So you'd bribe him with a concert if he spent time with you. He'd spring out of his chair, and spend some time with you. Because he loves you and your voice so much.

Joey-It was very easy to get Joey to spend time with you. You'd just promise him food afterwards. And because he loves food so much, he'd be willing to spend time with you. But he constantly reminds you that he loves you more than food.

Atem-Now being the Pharaoh, Atem was naturally very busy. You understood that. Still, you had a way to make Atem spend time with you. That was called....Begging. "Atem! I'm bored!" Atem sighed. "Very well..." "Yay!"

Marik-When you have your sights set on world domination, you're normally busy. So you developed a way so that Marik would spend time with you. It's called giving a harsh glare. It's like you had your own millennium rod, because that tactic always worked.

Bakura-Sometimes Bakura wouldn't want to spend time with you. That's when you'd use your secret weapon. Which was....Threatening to spend time with Ryou instead. Bakura would then immediately stop whatever he was doing, and spend time with you. He'd do anything to prevent you from hanging out with Ryou. Poor Ryou.....

Malik-It's pretty obvious what you'd do to get Malik to spend time with you. You'd promise Malik sexy shots afterwards. This would definitely get Malik motivated to spend time with you. 

Hey, I'm finally back! So sorry for taking so long. I had a D- in History, so I couldn't update, which sucked for me (And for you!). But, I've raised that grade to a B- (which feels like a miracle!) so now I can update. Also, I'm getting close to finishing Yu-Gi-Oh Gx, so hopefully in the next few weeks, I'll be adding new characters. Remember, you're welcome to request scenarios and characters. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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