~When You Go Skating~

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Yugi- A new skating park had just opened, and you and Yugi were excited to go and skate together. When you arrived, you went to go get your roller skates on. But you couldn't find Yugi's size. "Oh, I think you're looking for the kiddie size. There're over there." Yugi looked over to where the kid's size was being given out. Yugi frowned at the polka dots on his skates. "Don't worry, Yugi, you look cute in your skates." "But, I don't want to look cute! I want to look manly!" "Well, Sorry to break it to you, but, that's not going to happen anytime soon." Yugi frowned. Let's just say, you didn't come back anytime soon.

Yami-"So, are you excited to go to the skating park?" "If it's time with you, then, yes." You two then headed over to the skate park. After you arrived, you immediately began skating. Though, what Yami didn't know, was that you were an amazing skater. "Wow, sweet (y/n), you're an amazing skater." "Thanks. I can teach you the basics, if you want." "That'd be nice." So, you taught Yami how to skate. He was soon a skilled skater, thanks to your amazing teaching skills.

Ryou-"Ow..." You said, after falling for like the sixth time. "You okay?" Ryou said, while holding out his hand. "Yeah, I'll be fine." You said, while taking Ryou's hand. He then helped you up. "Wish I was as good of a skater as you." "It just takes practice, trust me, you'll get there, someday." "Thanks!" At the end of the day, you were called the, 'Cutest Couple.' How sweet!

Seto-"I don't have time to do such ridiculous things!" "Come on, Seto, it'll be fun!" "I don't have time for fun." "Guess I have no choice but to do this!" You then grabbed Seto's chair, and proceeded to drag him to the indoor skating area you had. Seto just brought his laptop with him. "Come on, Seto, I'm just trying to spend time with you!" "Fine, just one hour." "Yay!" Surprisingly, Seto was a very skilled skater. You, not so much. But, you had Seto to help pick you up, whenever you fell. Seto ended up taking the day off, so, he could spend more time with you. What a (Kind've) sweet boyfriend he is.

Joey-"You ready?" "You're on!" You and Joey were having a skating race, and, both of you were determined to win. Sadly, for the both of you, it was a tie. "How can that be? There must be a winner!" "Relax, Joey, we can just have a rematch." "Guess you're right. Ready? Go!" Joey then raced off. "Joey...JOEY!" You then raced after Joey, determined to win.

Atem-You and Atem were currently in the future, when Atem pointed to a skate park. "(y/n), can we try this skating thing out?" "Sure!" You two then entered the skating park. Some people looked at you two weirdly, but, you two just ignored them. "These skates have eaten my feet!" "Relax, your feet are inside the skates." "Oh, okay." It took a while for Atem to get used to the skates. But, after getting used to them, Atem, and you both had a lot of fun. You were certainly going to have to do this again sometime soon.

Marik-"This will be a waste of time." "Please, try to lighten up. This is supposed to be fun." "No promises." You two then got your skates on. "Ready?" "I guess so..." But, as soon as Marik took a step, he fell down. "You can skate....Right?" "I ride motorcycles, not skates!" "Then, allow me to give you a personal lesson." You then helped Marik up, and, taught him what little skills you had. "feeling more confident about skating?" "Slightly. Thanks pet." You two then continued to skate, hand in hand. Little did you know that Marik was secretly recruiting Steve's for his army.

Bakura-"Must I really come?" "For the hundredth time, yes!" Bakura sighed. "Fine..." "Yay, thanks so much!" You two then headed over to the skating park. After you got your skates, Bakura proceeded to show off for you. "I didn't know you could skate!" "Want me to teach you some tricks?" "I'd love that!" So, Bakura taught you some amazing tricks.

Malik-You thought it'd be fun to go skating. Malik tagged along, because, he wanted to try this skating thing. Though it was harder than he expected. "Curse these skates!" "Malik, calm down..." "We're leaving-" Malik tried to lead you out, but, fell down instead. It was hard to contain your giggles. "Just shut up...."

Jaden-"You ready?" "Not really." "Too bad!" Jaden then pushed you onto the skating area." "Jaden Yuki!" Jaden laughed, and joined you. "Don't tell me you can't skate." "I can't..." "Then, I'll teach you." And that's what Jaden did.

Syrus-"Come on Syrus, let's go!" "But, I don't know how to skate." "Neither do I. But, that doesn't mean we can't have fun!" "I guess so..." Though the whole time, Syrus was a party pooper. Poor you!

Zane-"Zane, I don't know how to skate." "Don't worry, I'll be there to catch you, if you fall." You smiled, before the two of you headed to the skate park. Zane was surprisingly very good at skating, while you were horrible. You keep falling. But, luckily, Zane kept his word, and, never let you fall.

Jesse-Both of you were amazing skater. So, it was fun skating, without having to help the other one if they fell down. You even won the best skating couple award.

Chazz-You weren't a very good skater. But, Chazz, he was amazing. This made you feel even worse. "Don't feel bad, not everyone can be as amazing as The Chazz." You rolled your eyes. 'He sure is full of himself.....'

Aster-"Aster, is there anything you're not good at?" "Not that I can think of." "You're making me look like a rookie at skating!" "Not my fault." You sighed. 'For once, I wish I was better than my boyfriend!' "Come on, I'll give you some tips." "Okay..."

Atticus- You, you were an amazing skater. So, it was much more hilarious to see Atticus falling down all the time. "Are you serious?" "Yeah, I can't skate." "Then allow me to teach you." You then helped Atticus up, but, you quickly learned that it was hopeless to teach Atticus. You sighed. 'This is hopeless!'

So, yeah, I couldn't think of any more Christmas scenarios. And, that means we're back to regular scenarios. If there's any more Christmas scenarios you want me to do, please, let me know. Later, my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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