~When You Find His Diary/Journal~

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Yugi-You and Yugi were just talking in Yugi's room, when a small black and gold notebook caught your eye. "Hey, what's this?" You said while picking up the notebook. Yugi's eyes widened. "Please, don't open that!" Yugi said while trying to take the notebook away from you. But you held it out of reach. "Let's see...." You said before reading the notebook, which you learned was his diary. "Aw, that's so sweet." "W-What?" "Nothing, here." You said while returning the diary to Yugi. If only he knew how much those words meant to you.

Yami-You were in Yami's room, all alone. Well, Yami had been there with you, but he went to go get you a drink. So, you had his room to explore. On top of his dresser, you found a black, gold, and violet notebook. Inside, held his personal diary, where you learned things about Yami that you never knew. You quickly put it away before Yami found you. Though you were definitely going to check that out later, to read more.

Ryou-You were at Ryou's, trying to surprise him by cleaning up his house. That's when you stumbled upon a small white and blue stripped journal. You immediately began reading it. Throughout the journal, you really felt what Ryou had been feeling. "Who knew he was such a great writer." Soon, you heard someone open the front door. So you quickly put the journal away. "(y/n), Sweetie, what're you doing here?" "I wanted to surprise you by cleaning your house." "That's sweet, just like you." Ryou then pulled you in for a kiss, in which you kissed back.

Seto-You were on Seto's laptop, when you found an interesting file. Turns out it was his diary. Excited, you started reading it right away. It contained things that revealed a new side of Seto. One that actually showed emotions. "Just what do you think you're doing?" You slightly jumped at Seto's words. "Uh...." "Give me that!" Seto then took his laptop back. When he saw what file was open, his face went deep red. "Oh, was I not supposed to read that?" "Just pretend you never saw any of this, okay?" "I guess so.......WAIT TILL I TELL MOKUBA!" "Don't you dare (y/n)!" Soon, Seto was chasing you around, while you were searching for Mokuba.

Joey-Ever since you had found Joey's journal, you'd been dying to read more. And when Joey fell asleep during a movie, you had your chance. You snick into Joey's drawer, and was finally able to find his journal. You were then completely sucked into what Joey had written. Somehow, you were able to read the terrible handwriting. Soon, you heard tired footsteps approaching you. You scrambled to put the journal away. You then tried to act casual. "(y/n), Babe, what're you doing in my room?" " I was........Preparing your bed for you!" You said while removing the covers, allowing Joey to lay down. "Thanks Babe, you're the best." "Thanks, sleep well." Yet Joey was already asleep. You then left, having a lot to think about from Joey's journal.

Atem-You had gone to awake your pharaoh, but to your surprise, he wasn't there. What was there was a small notebook that you had given him. Curious, you opened it. Surprisingly, Atem had transformed the notebook into his personal journal. Each date included specific details about that day. It also included a lot about loving you, and how sexy you looked each and every day. Smiling to yourself, you put the notebook down, and left, not wanting to get caught.

Marik-You decided to snoop around Marik's room. That's when you found his journal. Quickly, you snuck back to your room, and began to read it. Some of the things caused you to blush deeply. Soon, you returned the journal, not wanting to get caught. And Marik never learned that you had read his private journal.

Bakura-You and Bakura were working together to clean Bakura's messy room. That's when you stumbled upon a blue and black journal. You opened it and began reading it. "Put that notebook down, NOW!" You did as Bakura said. "How much did you read?" "About four pages." You could see Bakura sigh in relief. He then grabbed the notebook from you. "You are never to read this ever again, understand?" "I understand." "Good. Now let's finish cleaning my room." "Yay........" You were not excited about cleaning, but did it anyway, just to be nice.

Sorry for taking forever! I was out of town (Again!) But I hope you enjoyed this scenario. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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