~Chapter Sixteen~

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It was nine-thirty am when Yugi looked at his phone, having just woken up from a dreamless night. "I'm going to be late! Wait, it's Saturday, whew, that was a close one....." Yugi then got up and walked into the spare room, which had become Yami's room. "Hey Yami, you awake?" But to Yugi's surprise, Yami wasn't there. Yugi came to the conclusion that he was at your place. 'Well he does lover her. But, so do I. And I can't just give her up so easily.' Yugi thought while getting dressed. 

"Hey Gramps, I'll be at (y/n)'s. Bye!" Yugi said while leaving the game shop. After a minute (literally) he was at your front door. After taking a deep breath and continuously telling him he could do it he finally had the courage to knock on your front door. Though it wasn't you who answered, it was your mom who answered. "You must be Yugi, right?" "Uh.....Yes Miss (l/n)." Yugi could barely get the words out, being very nervous to meet your mother. "No need to by shy, (y/n)'s in here but she's still asleep." "Good to know." Yugi said, not being prepared for what he was about to see.

 As he walked in his eyes landed on your sleeping form. But you weren't alone, Yami was sleeping next to you. Yugi had to muster all his courage not to break down. 'Guess she doesn't like me back.' Yugi depressingly thought. "I found them like this morning. Isn't it so sweet?" "Y-Yeah......." Yugi choked out. "I thought it'd be rude to wake them up. But now that you're here I'll wake her up." Your mom said while approaching you. "(y/n), sweetie? Time to wake up, we have a guest." She said while gently shaking you. Your (e/c) eyes fluttered open. Once you realized what position you were in, your face went bright red. As you scrambled to get out of Yami's grip, Yami woke up as well. "What is it Miss (y/n)?" Yami asked while opening his eyes. "W-Would y-you m-mind l-letting m-me g-go?" You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering. "Oh sure, sorry." Yami said while letting you go.

 Just were you were going to ask who the guest was, you realized your mom had retreated upstairs. 'Just great! She let me alone with the guest.' You thought when you turned around to see Yugi. 'Had he seen that?' "Hey Yugi, what's up?" You asked, trying to act like the previous moment never happened. "I just came to say hi. I'll be leaving now." Yugi said while turning to leave. "Wait, why don't you stay and hang out? It wouldn't be the same without you." You pleaded, hoping you hadn't hurt his feelings. You didn't want to give him the wrong idea. ".....Please...." Yugi sighed. "Okay, guess I can stay for a bit." Your face lit up. "Yay!" 

"Well Miss (y/n), what shall we do?" "How about we watch some (Favorite anime, not Yu-Gi-Oh!)?" Both heads tilted to the side. "You have heard of (Favorite anime).......Right?" "Sorry (y/n), never heard of it." "I barely know anything about anime." Your mouth opened in shock. "Then we have to watch it! Yugi, come sit down, we have an anime to watch!" You said while getting on Netflix and turning your (favorite anime) on.

 After about three hours of watching (favorite anime) you turned to both sides (for you were in-between the two) and asked, "Well......Do you like it?" "I think it's a good anime." Yugi said  while giving you a closed smile which made your heart beat faster. "Agreed." Yami said while giving you a smile that looked more like a smirk. Your heart continued to beat faster and faster. "Um......Please excuse me for a minute." You said while standing up and heading to the bathroom. 

You sighed while putting a hand on your heart. 'I can't keep going like this. But I don't want to choose only one.' You thought while splashing your face with water. After doing so, you dried your face with a towel. You soon returned back to Yugi and Yami, who had been waiting patiently for you. "Welcome back Miss (y/n)." "Happy to be back." You said while sitting down in-between them. 

"So (y/n), what shall we do next?" "Well, how about we have a dance party? I'm sure my mom won't mind." You said while getting out your phone and going to YouTube. Yugi had a look of worry while Yami looked straight out confused. "What's a dance party? I've never heard of one before..." "Well Yami, a dance party is when you listen to music and dance with your friends. Of course you can do it alone, it just isn't as much fun." "Sounds simple enough." "So Yugi, care to pick the first song?" You asked while handing your phone to Yugi. "I'm not so sure about this (y/n)......." Yugi said, avoiding eye contact. "Why not?" "Well.......I can't dance....." "Oh, is that it? Don't worry, I can't dance either, so we're in the same boat." Yugi then looked up and smiled. "That makes me feel a lot better, so, what song to pick.........." After scrolling through the songs Yugi picked one called "Last Friday Night." 

Soon the music started and you all three started to dance........Very poorly, since no one knew how to dance. But nevertheless, you had fun. And you danced the night away. 

Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was busy. I will update one more chapter today to make up for not updating yesterday. Remember to comment if you liked the chapter. I'll see you later my fellow readers! =^-^= 

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