~Chapter Twenty~

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Sorry I haven't updated this weekend, I've been super busy. So to make up for it I'm going to post a extra long chapter today. Also, over 300 reads! I'm so happy! Thanks so much to everyone for reading this story, you don't know how much it means to me! 

You smiled to yourself as you looked over all the things you had set up. You had snacks in the kitchen, tons of movies on your Netflix List in case you got bored, a fun playlist in case you wanted to do another dance party, and of course pillows for a pillow fight. You planned on having the boys sleep on the couch while you slept in your room. Man, could you use a rest right now. Setting up a sleep-over was more work than you thought. So you decided to sit on the couch and do just that, rest. 

As you were resting from all that planning and setting up, you heard a knock on the front door. 'Must be them.' You thought while opening the door. Indeed, it was Yugi and Yami. "Welcome, glad you could make it." You said while leading them inside. "So (y/n), what shall we do first?" "I was going to let you two decided." "Well, in that case, I think we should start off with watching YouTube videos." "Wow, I didn't even think of that. What a great idea!" You said while pulling up YouTube on the TV. Yugi sat on your left while Yami sat on your right. "So, what should we watch first?" "Whatever you want dear (y/n), it is your house after all." "But Yami, You and Yugi are my guests. My job is to make you two happy." "And we'd be happy if you choose first." You sighed. "Fine, I'll pick (Favorite YouTube channel), they're really funny (If your favorite isn't funny, pick your favorite funny YouTube channel). "Okay, can't wait to watch it." "Neither can I." "Okay, I finally found it. Hope you like it." You said while clicking on the first video that showed up. 

"Man, I've never laughed so hard." "Guess that means you like (Favorite YouTube channel), right?" "Miss (y/n), we don't like (Favorite YouTube channel), we LOVE it!" "I'm glad you do. So, what should we do next? By the way, I refuse to pick next activity." "Okay, Yami, what do you think we should do?" "Well Yugi, I was thinking we could.....Uh.......Watch a movie?" "Sure, sounds like fun. Which movie to watch though?" You asked while scrolling through the different movie options. "How about (Favorite movie)?" "That's my favorite movie! I'm surprised I didn't think of it sooner. What do you think Yami?" "If you like the movie sweet (y/n), then I'm sure I'll like the movie as well." "Great! Let me go get the popcorn. Then we can start the movie." You said while getting the popcorn. After grabbing it, you headed back and sat in-between the two boys. "You ready?" "You bet!" You then started the movie. 

The movie was getting to the climax. As you reached down to get some more popcorn, you could feel the warmth of someone's hand. It turned out to be Yami's hand. "S-Sorry....." "It's fine Yami." You said while blushing. Yami was also slightly blushing. Yugi, had noticed this, and frowned. 

Soon the movie was over. Yami went and turned the light on, slightly blinding the three of you. "Hey Yugi, how about you pick what we should do next." "Okay, well to be honest, I'm kind've hungry." "Okay, I'll order us pizza. What toppings do you want?" "I'll take plain cheese. How about you Yami?" "I'll take every topping." You and Yugi's eyes widened. "If you say so, I'll have (favorite topping(s)) pizza." You then pulled out your phone and ordered the pizza. "Okay, the pizza should be here in about thirty minutes. What shall we do until then?" You asked, not seeing Yami right behind you. "Uh (y/n), you might want to-" "Pillow fight!" Yami said while hitting you with a pillow. "Oh, it's on!" You said while grabbing a pillow. Yugi did the same. And thus, the pillow fight began. 

You were exhausted. After the pillow fight, the three of you decided to rest. Eventually, the pizza came. You were about to stand up when Yugi lightly pushed you back on the couch. "Don't worry, I'll pay." "But-" "Not buts!" Yugi said while walking to the front door. After paying for the pizza, Yugi came back into the room. The smell of pizza immediately made you forget about how tired you were. "Where do you want me to set the pizza?" "In the kitchen." You said while standing up. You and Yami both followed Yugi (And the pizza) into the kitchen. 

You each sat down while you opened the three boxes. "Okay, so this one's cheese...." You said while handing the box to Yugi. "This one must be mine since it has (Favorite topping(s))......" You said while setting the box aside. "And this one must be Yami's." You said while handing the box to Yami. "Thanks (y/n)." "Well, you should really thank Yugi, he paid for it after all." "I was only doing what I felt was right." "Well, shall we dig in?" You asked, not realizing how hungry you really were. "Sure." "Then let's eat!" You said before the three of you started digging into your pizza. 

"That was some good pizza." "Sure was Yami, are you feeling okay? You don't look so good. In fact, you seem a bit pale." Indeed, Yami looked pale. "I'm fine sweet (y/n)." "So Yugi, what shall we do next?" "Well (y/n), Yami and I have picked the previous activities. I think it's time for you to choose." "In that case, I'd like to have a dance party like we had a while ago. It was really fun." "Okay, if that's what you want then let it be done." "Yami, you sure you want to do this?" "Don't worry about me dear (y/n), I'll be just fine. A dance party sounds like a great idea." "If you say so. I got a special playlist set up just in case we decided to have a dance party." You said while starting the playlist. It so happened to play (favorite song). 

As you three continued to dance you noticed Yami looking sicker by the moment. "Yami, you should probably sit down." "I'm-" Yami then ran into your bathroom, sounds of his pizza coming up being audible. You and Yugi rushed in the to see the Pharaoh clutching his stomach, curled up in a ball in the middle of the bathroom floor. "Yami, are you going to be okay?" You asked while rubbing Yami's back. "I'll be fine. Sorry for ruining your sleepover." "No need to apologize. You didn't ruin the sleep-over. Though I do think you should head home." 

~Yugi's P.O.V~ 

If Yami goes home then I'll be alone with (y/n). This is going to be great! "Okay, see you tomorrow?" "Definitively." Cute (y/n) said to Yami. Man, I just love cute (y/n)'s voice! While in my thoughts I didn't notice (y/n) leading Yami out of the house. "Hope you get better soon!" I heard (y/n) say to Yami before closing the front door. I left the bathroom after flushing down Yami's pizza to fine (y/n) looking for a particular movie. 

"What movie are you looking for?" "(Second favorite movie)." "Need any help?" "No thanks, you're the guest. You just sit down on the couch." "If you say so." I said while sitting on her couch. Soon she had found the movie and had started it. (y/n) then moved closer to me, like arms touching close. 'This is going to be a great movie!' I thought, even though I had never seen the movie before. 

We were half-way through the movie when I felt something fall in my lap. It was (y/n)! I looked at my phone to see it was one-forty nine in the morning. Her sleeping form was just the cutest! I played with her smooth, silky hair before parting it behind her ear. I could hear her steady breathing. "Don't worry (y/n), I'll always be there for you." I said while putting my head back, letting exhaustion get the better of me. 

~Yami's P.O.V~

As I walked home I started regretting ordering the all topping pizza. When I walked inside I didn't see Yugi's grandpa. 'Must be in bed.' I thought to myself as I locked the front door. Afterwards, I headed upstairs to get ready to go to bed. If I wanted to get better soon, I needed to rest. 

Right before heading to bed, I decided to check on (y/n) and Yugi to see if they were alright. Looking out the window, it was revealed to me that I had a perfect view of the room (y/n) and Yugi were in. But what I saw next tore my heart apart. It was Yugi, holding a sleeping (y/n). That should be me holding sweet (y/n)! How dare Yugi try to take (y/n) away from me! He doesn't realize how long I've waited for love. Now that I have it, I'm not going to let Yugi take it away from me. Sorry Yugi, but I just can't let you have (y/n). I quickly sent Yugi a text before laying down in bed. Closing my eyes, I tried to think about what I could do to win (y/n). I'm not going to force (y/n) to love me, but I can try to earn her love. No matter what it takes!

Whew, that took forever to write. I hope you like it. Make sure to vote, comment, or follow if you liked it. I'll see you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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