~When He Feels Bad About What He Did~

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Yugi-Yugi just couldn't believe it, he had lost you. And it was his fault for not being more careful. Tea had told Yugi she'd bring (y/n) inside into Yugi's dark room so he could surprise (y/n) with a month's anniversary kiss. But Tea took advantage of Yugi's ignorance, and now he hated her for it. He honestly had thought he was kissing his sweet kitten. If only he had known sooner that he was kissing Tea. Then, he wouldn't be in this situation. "I just have to win (y/n) back, but how?" Suddenly, it came to him. He quickly ran out of his room to go get the supplies that he'd need to help win you back. 'This plan has to work, it just has to!'

Yami-You refused to talk to Yami all week. He missed you so much. In chemistry, some chemical had gotten in his eyes and he thought he was kissing you, not some random person. But that's not how you saw it. You thought he just couldn't see the difference between you and other girls. But he could tell you were more special than the others. He just needed you to know how much he loved you. And he knew exactly how he was going to do it. 

Bakura-No matter what Bakura did, he couldn't get you to talk to him. He tried texting, calling you, and even showing up at your front door. But you ignored every attempt Bakura tried to talk to you. He thought that maybe he should give up. But that'd mean losing you, and he didn't intend on losing you. Bakura thought for hours until he finally knew how to earn your love once more. 'I just hope I'm not too late.'

Seto-Seto watched as you stormed out. He looked at the teenager in front of him in anger. "Hope losing your girlfriend was worth ownership over my company." The girl said before leaving. Seto punched his desk. How could he be so stupid!?! This girl had come up saying she'd give him her company. All he had to do was kiss her. He thought it'd be very simple. He was obviously wrong, and now he felt terrible about ever agreeing to that stupid deal. He had to make it up to you before it was too late. And soon he knew exactly what to do. 

Joey-"I don't know what to do........." "Big brother, you just need to explain that I'm your sister. I'm sure she'll understand." "But what if she doesn't believe me? She thinks I'm into someone else. I should've told her about you." "Come on, you're not the type to give up. How is this any different?" "I guess you're right. Thanks sis!" Joey said before leaving, knowing just what he had to do. 

Hope you enjoyed. If not, I'm sorry. Feel free to request any character/scenario. Later my fellow reader! =^-^=

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