~When You Get Hurt~

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Yugi-You were currently cooking cookies for Yugi, trying to repay him for all the times he cooked for you. But as you were pulling out the sheet from the oven, you forgot one important thing, oven mitts. You yelped as the sheet burned your hand. Luckily for you, Yugi had just arrived at your front door. He didn't bother to knock when he heard you crying. "(y/n), what-" Yugi stopped when he saw your burnt hand. "Put it under cold water!" You did as Yugi told. Yugi grabbed the sheet (With oven mitts on) and put it on a cooling rack. After doing so, he came over, and comforted you. Luckily for you, the burn wasn't too bad. "You should be more careful. You could've really gotten hurt." "I know, I was just in a rush." "Why were you cooking cookies anyway?" "I was trying to make them for you to make up for all the times you cook for me." Yugi, was touched. "(y/n), that's so sweet. But how about you leave the cooking to me from now on." "Deal!" You and Yugi then snuggled while watching a movie. And the snack? Your well-made cookies. Yum!

Yami-You And Yami were out on a walk, when a ferocious dog came up and bit your leg, not letting go. "Hey! Let me go!" You said while trying to shake the dog off. Yami and the dog's owner had to literally pry the dog off. "Sweet (y/n), are you okay?" But to your horror, blood was flowing from the bite. Your eyes widened. Yami quickly took off his jacket and applied pressure to the wound. "Let's go back to my place and I'll fix you up." "Okay." Yami then picked you up bridal style and carried you back to his place where he fixed you up. 

Ryou-You were drinking (favorite hot drink) when Ryou decided to surprise you by approaching you from behind and putting his hands over your eyes. "Guess who?" "Ryou, I-" But as you tried to turn to face him, your foot tripped you up, causing your drink to spill on your exposed skin (Either arm or leg, you choose). "HOT!" you said as tears threatened to fall. "(y/n), sweetie!?! I'm so sorry!" "It's fine, really, no big deal." "But you're hurt." "I said I'll be fine." But your skin didn't lie, being red, showing where your skin had been burned. "Let's go get some cold water on it." "Okay." You let Ryou take care of the burn. "Better?" "Much better, thanks." "Always happy to help my sweetie, always."

Seto-You were walking down the stairs in school, when you tripped and fell down about six stairs. You were scrapped up pretty bad and you were sure there was two of everything. Before you blacked out, you saw someone running up to you. When you awoke, you noticed you were in some clinic. You then remembered everything. "Where am I?" "In my personal clinic. These doctors are the best in the world. They'll patch you up right away. Afterwards, if you're still in pain, I'll fire them." The doctor's eye's widened. "It's fine Seto, I feel much better." You said while standing up. "I'm glad. I'd pay any amount to make sure you feel better." "How sweet!" You said before Seto pulled you in for a kiss. 

Joey-Some bullies were currently pestering you, by punching and kicking you while you were on the ground, curled up in a ball. "Why won't you just die already?" "Please........Stop..........." "Why should we? You don't deserve to be alive!" One said while kicking you in the stomach with her high heels. It hurt, a lot. "Hey! Leave her alone!" You all turned to see Joey, enraged. "Now normally I don't like to hit a girl. But when my babe's hurt, all rules no longer apply." Joey said with an I-Will-Kill-You look on his face. It kind've scared you a bit. All the bullies ran away, heels clicking and clacking. Joey's face then turned into a look of concern as he ran up to you. "Are you going to be okay?" "Y-Yeah......" You said while coughing up blood. Joey's eyes widened as he picked you up bridal style, and carried you to the nurse's office. "Don't worry, they'll fix you up." "Thanks Joey, for saving me......" "Well, I wasn't going to stand there and let my babe get injured." Soon your eyes closed, and you fell into a peaceful sleep. When you awoke, you felt much better. And guess who was next to your side? It was none other than your boyfriend, Joey Wheeler. That brought a smile to your face. 

Atem-You and Atem were on a fun horse ride. When suddenly, the horse started acting out of control. "Whoa boy!" But Atem couldn't get control of the horse. Soon, you fell off, scraping your skin on the sand. "(y/n), my queen, are you okay?" "I'll be fine." You said while standing up, only to wince in pain. Atem finally got the horse under control. He then helped you back on the horse. "Can you last till we get back to the palace?" "I think so." You two then headed back to the palace, where you were bandaged up, and rested till you felt better.  

Marik-You were riding with Marik on his motorcycle when you hit a bump. Because you weren't holding onto Marik tight enough, you flew off. Marik immediately stopped his motorcycle and ran up to you. "Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" "My leg hurts a bit. But other than a few scrapes, I'm fine." "Good thing we're almost home. I'll just carry you there." "Marik, you don't have to-" Marik then picked you up, placed you on his motorcycle, and walked you and his motorcycle home, where he tended to your injuries. 

Bakura-You were just walking around, when some people pushed you to the ground and began kicking you in the stomach. You looked up to see it was some brats from school. "Just stop, please!" "Why should we?" "BECAUSE I SAID SO!" Your heads turned to face Bakura, looking very pissed. "I will not hesitate to kill you right here and now if you don't leave, RIGHT NOW!" All the brats left as quickly as they could. Bakura then rushed up to your side. "Will you be fine?" "Yeah......" Bakura then picked you up and carried you to his house where he forced Ryou to help you with your injuries. 

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if you didn't. Remember, you can request any character or scenario. Now there's something I want to talk about. I've started to run out of scenario ideas. I've already written down over 100 scenarios, and now I'm starting to struggle. So this is what I was thinking. I should start a new story. Don't worry, I'd continue working on this one, I'd just be working on another one as well. Here are the characters I can do 

Yu-Gi-Oh: Yugi, Yami, Ryou, Bakura, Marik, Joey, Seto, Atem and Duke 

Fairy Tail: Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Laxus, Sting, Rouge, Loke, and tons more! (Too many to write down)

Those are the only animes I feel comfortable writing for. So you can request any character, or character x reader x character (love triangle) for my new story. Just tell me in the comments who you want me to do. Also, if you want any of these characters for a one-shot, just let me know. I'd be willing to do one-shots. That's all for now. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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