~Ending Number Fifteen: Jesse Anderson~

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No one....You couldn't think of anyone that you could possibly start a relationship with. Maybe....Just maybe....There's someone in the future, waiting for you. You then went up to Yami, and asked him about it. "Is there any way you can send me to the future?" Yami seemed shocked. "Why would you want to go to the future?" "In hopes that I can find my lover." "I see...."

Now you have all your things together, ready to be sent to the future. Yugi was tearing up. "(y-y/n), I want you to have this." Yugi then handed you a duel deck. "It's an Angel Warrior deck. I want you to have it." "Thank you." You then hugged Yugi. "Maybe, one day, we'll see each other in the future." "Maybe..." "Goodbye, and thank you." Yami's millennium puzzle then began to glow. Time seemed to pass by. And soon, you were in an unfamiliar place. 'This must be the future. Well, better make the most of it!'

You're now an Obelisk blue at the famous Duel Academy. Though you didn't seem to find your love here. That is, until a new transfer student showed up named Jesse Anderson. You couldn't help but fall in love. And soon, you were dating, good for you!

~When You Kiss In Public~

You walked into class, hand in Jesse's hand. You two then sat down. "(y/n), I have a surprise for you." "What is it?" "This." Jesse then kissed you. You kissed back. "Detention!" "But class hasn't even started yet." "But..." Jesse smirked, then kissed you again.

~When You're Sad~

You were sad, because when you searched for a certain book, people called you old fashioned. They said the books were so ten years ago. 'Do I really belong in this time?' That's when Jesse walked in. "Hey, Darling, are you okay?" "Sure..." "You sure? You look pretty sad to me." "Am I old fashioned?" "What do you mean?" "The music I listen to, the books I read, are they really old fashioned?" "I don't think so. And even if they are, I don't care, I'd still love you." You wiped away your tears. "Thanks." "You're welcome. Now, let's go get you something to eat. I can tell you need some food." "Guess I am a bit hungry." You two then left, to go eat.

~When He's Sad~

"Jesse, are you okay?" "Yeah, just fine." "You sure?" "It's just....I miss my old school...That's all." "Oh, I see. And understand." "But, I have you, and that's much, much better than my old friends." "That's so sweet." "Plus, I can always text them." "True." "Wow, I no longer feel sad. Thanks (y/n)!" "Anytime."

~When You Have A Nightmare~

You had a nightmare that you were turned into a werewolf, and that you scared all your friends away, including Jesse. You woke up with a start. You looked at your hands, in relief that they weren't paws. You then went back to sleep, able to sleep in peace.

~When He Has A Nightmare~

Jesse dreamt that his crystal beasts betrayed him, and went to kill you. He awoke, and looked at his crystal beast cards. "Would you ever kill (y/n)?" They answered with: "Of course not!" This relieved Jesse, making it so he could go back to sleep.

~When He Tries To Impress You~

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