~Chapter Six~

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As you were opening the door to your house you felt something drag you in. It was soon revealed to be your mother. "What the heck was that for?" you questioned. "Well, I noticed you talking to a boy and I want to know if you finally got a friend." "Yeah, we're friends, he helped me around school and we also had lunch together." 'Although lunch was with Yami.' "I'm so proud of you!" Your mother exclaimed while squeezing you into a hug. "Mom......Can't.......Breathe!" Soon your mother let you go. "I'm glad you got a friend. How about you finish any homework you have, dinner should be finished by the time your done." "Okay." You said while grabbing your backpack and headed upstairs to your room.

Man were you stuffed, and tired. You had worked your butt off doing homework, then filled your stomach with (Favorite Food). Now you felt like you were ready to collapse. Just as you were about to fall asleep you got a text. You looked over at your phone to see it was eleven forty-seven pm. "Who's text me at this late hour?" You asked before looking at the text. 

Text: Hey (y/n), hope I'm not bothering you.

You then quickly texted back. 

(y/n): Who is this? And how'd you get my number?

About a minute later you got a response. 

Yugi Muto: it's Yugi from school. And to how I got your number....Your mother gave it to me a few minutes after you got home from school. She said something like, "Friends should have each other cell phone numbers." 

When you had finished reading the text you were happy you were able to talk to Yugi but.....How did your mother know where Yugi lived? Though you decided you'd just push it aside for now. It was late, and you wanted to get some sleep. But before you did, you texted Yugi back.

(y/n): I'm going to bed now, please save your text for the morning. 

And then, you laid down, and went to sleep. 

I hoped you liked this chapter. I really do.  Sorry again about these being so short. See you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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