~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V~

I always thought cooking was fun but I didn't realize how much fun it could be to cook with Yugi. It felt like the time flew by as we cooked a homemade chicken soup for Yami. Soon it was done and we carried up a bowl of soup for Yami. I knocked on the door of Yami's room before saying, "Yami, we got some soup for you." "Come in." I heard him faintly say. He really must be sick, poor thing. 

As we entered Yami's room, Yugi brought the soup in while I held some water and wet rags. I put the rags on Yami's forehead, which seemed to help him relax. "Thanks (y/n). I don't know what I'd do without you." "Do you think you're up to eating some soup?" I asked while Yugi handed me the soup. "I think I can eat, just not too much." "I completely understand. Here." I said while handing him the bowl and spoon. Yami then took a bite of the soup. "Wow (y/n), this is really good. I think I"m starting to feel better already." I smiled. "I'm glad, but you must also thank Yugi, he helped make the soup." "It was nothing, just trying to help a friend." "Oh, thanks Yugi. I didn't know you could cook." "Yeah, most people don't."

 Then there was an awkward silence, so I decided to break it. "Well Yami, I think we should let you eat and rest in peace. We wouldn't want to delay your recovery." "Actually, I think having you here is helping my recovery. Please don't go." "Okay." I said while grabbing a chair and sitting down. Yugi did the same. Then we just talked and talked for hours until it was late. 

"Well, I'd love to stay but I must get going. I want to get enough sleep since it's school tomorrow. I'd prefer to not fall asleep in class." "Okay, bye (y/n)." "See you at school tomorrow (y/n)." "Yami, do you think you'll be well enough to go to school tomorrow?" "Maybe, I don't know." "Okay, bye!" I said while leaving. Man, it's been a long day. I can't wait to go home and go to bed. 

~Yugi's P.O.V~

I watched as (y/n) left. Although I hate having her leave, at least I know I'll see her tomorrow. Then I turned to Yami, who indeed, looked much better. "Well, it seems you recovered quickly." I said while crossing my arms. "Yeah, I'm feeling much better." Yami said while sitting up. "It seems your recovery was too quick. Care to explain?" "It's very simple, (y/n)'s caring love nursed me back to health." "Right.....And you weren't faking your sickness?" "Uh........" Yami's voice trailed off. "I knew it! You just wanted the attention from (y/n)! I bet you're feeling just fine!" "You'd do the same thing if you were in my shoes." "No, I wouldn't! And did you really mean the text you sent earlier?" I asked, hoping it wasn't true. "Every. Word." "Fine, then so be it!" I said while storming out of Yami's room. I then went into my room and sat one my bed, looking at the text. Why did it have to come to this? Why'd we both have to like (y/n)? These were the thoughts that swirled around my head before I fell into a peaceful sleep. 

Sorry this chapter was shorter. I'll try to make the next one longer. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. And remember to comment if you did, it really means a lot to me when you do. Guess that's all for now. See you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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