~Chapter Ten~

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It's the weekend, do you know what that means? It means I'll be posting more parts! Yay! Anyway, on to the story. 

"Welcome, I know it isn't much but this is where I live." You said while you both entered your small house. "Nice place." Yugi said, nervous but didn't want it to show. But you did notice. "No need to be nervous, make yourself at home." You said, seeing his sudden change in his body language from nervous, to relaxed. "My mom said she'll be out for a while so we have the place to ourselves. Want some (favorite snack)?" "No thanks. I'm not very hungry right now." "Oh, okay. Shall we begin?" You asked while sitting down on the couch. "Sure." Yugi said while sitting next to you, slightly blushing. "What shall we start with?" "Well.......You're the one needing help. What're you struggling in?" "To be honest, I'm struggle in everything math-related." Yugi said, embarrassment written all over his face. "Well then, let's get started. And no need to feel embarrassed, we all struggle in something." "Okay, thanks, I feel much better." "Don't mention it. Now, let's actually get started." And thus, the math tutoring began. 

"Well, I think that's enough for today." You said while closing your math book. "Yeah, thanks for helping me." Yugi said while putting his things in his backpack. "It was nothing, always happy to help a friend." You said, not seeing that Yugi cringed at the word, "Friend." "How about since you helped me with my math I treat you to some (favorite fast food)." "Really? You mean it?" "Absolutely." "Well then, let's go!" You then literally dragged Yugi out of the house. 

Soon you arrived at (favorite restaurant) where they served (favorite fast food). Yugi then opened the door like a gentlemen. "Thank you." you said while walking in. "No problem." Yugi said while following you inside. Soon your food was ordered and you were eating (favorite fast food) while Yugi only ordered a water. "You're not going to eat anything?" you questioned in-between bites. "Still not hungry." "Okay." 

After you finished your meat and Yugi had paid for your meal you were both headed home. "Thanks for the meal, it was delicious." you said while rubbing your full belly. "Well, thanks for helping me understand math better." "Happy to help." Soon you were chatting and it seemed like the walk home was only five minutes when in reality, it took about forty-five minutes. Yugi then walked you up to your front door. "That was fun. I hope we can do that again sometime." "Yeah, same here." "Guess I'll see you tomorrow." Yugi said while turning away to head home. "Wait!" you said, causing Yugi to pause and turn back around. "Thanks for being my friend. It really means a lot to me." You said. Soon after, you planted a small kiss of Yugi's cheek before heading inside. Yugi's face turned tomato red. "She kissed me........" was all he could say before fainting. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please comment bellow if you liked it. See you later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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