~When You Prank Him~

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Yugi-"Hey Yugi, I made you a vanilla cake with cheesecake frosting!" You said while putting down a rectangle pan that included a cake with tons of frosting. "Wow, that's a lot of frosting." "Is it too much?" "Not at all." "You can cut your own piece." You said while handing Yugi a sharp knife. "Okay." But when Yugi went to cut the cake, he heard a loud pop. Turns out the cake was a giant balloon, covered in frosting. Yugi was so startled. But when he learned it was a prank, he frowned. "Surprise!" "Nice one (y/n), you got me there." Little did you know Yugi was plotting his revenge. 

Yami-You laughed to yourself as you set up your prank. When Yami would open the door, water would fall, soaking him. When you heard a knock on the door, you rushed to sit down, acting all casual before saying, "Come in, it's open!" Yami then proceeded to open the door, just as you had planned. The water then fell on him. Yami didn't look amused. "Hey Yami, seems you found my bucket of water." "Yep, I sure did. But I will get my revenge!" Yami said before leaving your place. You were now worried, what did Yami have in store for you. Only time will tell..........

Ryou-"How's the tea coming along?" "Just fine Ryou." Why were you making tea for Ryou? It was very simple, you wanted to see Ryou's reaction to bad tea. So you decided to put salt instead of sugar in the tea. Soon the tea was done and you were bringing it to Ryou. "Hope you like it." You said with a smile as you handed Ryou the cup of tea. "I'm sure I will." Ryou said before trying the tea. You could see Ryou's face turn into disgust as he tried the tea. But trying not to be rude, he swallowed the tea. "What a unique taste. What'd you put in this sweetie?" "Salt." Ryou's face then showed utter shock. "Why would you......." "It was a prank!" "Oh, good one (y/n)." "Thanks!" If only you knew what Ryou had in store for you. 

Seto-You laughed to yourself as you looked at what you had just done. You knew you'd regret it later, but it was completely worth it. You had dyed Seto's hair light pink, and it was just hilarious. Sneaking away, you heard Seto yawn as he sat up. Crap! He's going to know it was you. Quickly you left, but before you left, you heard these words, "I will get you for this!" You gulped, fearing what your rich boyfriend had in store for you.

Joey-You were doing the classic pretend to be dead prank. And it had worked perfectly! It had been hard to contain your giggles as Joey was crying. When he found out it was a prank, he was furious. "How dare you!" Joey then left, leaving you to think maybe you went too far. If only you knew this was part of Joey's plan for revenge. 

Atem-You decided to play a prank on Atem. You hid yourself, so no one could find you. Soon, you heard Atem searching frantically for you. Eventually, Atem did find you. "My Queen, are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine........Because it was all a prank!" You then burst into laughter. Atem scowled, thinking of a way to get his revenge. 

Marik-'This is going to be great!' You thought as you watched Marik try to get out of bed. He soon learned he couldn't, because you had taped him to his bed (Remember when Yugi taped Yami? That's where you got it from). But unlike Yugi, you also duct-taped Marik's mouth. It was so much fun to watch Marik squirm. Yet you knew once Marik was free, you'd pay, big time. 

Bakura-You sneaked up to Bakura in his room, where he was sleeping peacefully. Pulling out a make-up kit, a smirk plastered a way onto your face. You then smothered Bakura's face in make-up. Though once Bakura found out, he was quite pissed, and immediately started planning his revenge. 

Hope you liked it. Sorry if you didn't. If you wouldn't mind commenting, I'd appreciate it. Remember, you can request any character or scenario. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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