~When He Uses The Puppy Dog Eyes On You~

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Yugi-You two were trying to decide what to do next. "Hey Yugi, why not watch a movie?" "Sure." But you two couldn't decide on a movie. "How about this one?" Yugi said while pointing to a movie you despised. "No way!" "Please, it looks very interesting." "No!" Yugi took you by surprise when he showed his puppy dog eyes to you. And they were just the cutest! You couldn't help but give in. "Fine...." "Yay! Thanks (y/n), you're the best!" Yugi said while hugging you. You hugged back. Maybe watching the movie wouldn't be so bad after all."

Yami-You and Yami were currently cooking together. Well, you were cooking while Yami watched. "You can pitch in anytime." "I know." "Then mind helping?" Yami then surprised you by doing something out of character, he used the puppy dog eyes. But you weren't going to fall for that. "Nice try, but that won't work on me. So stand up and help me cook!" "Fine...." Yami then stood up and helped you cook.

Ryou-Ryou really wanted to take you to this new tea shop. But he remembered last time, so this time he hatched a plan you couldn't resist. As you arrived at Ryou's apartment, Ryou began his plan. "Hello sweetie, might I give a suggestion as to where we go today?" "Sure." "There's this new tea shop and I was hoping you'd go with me." Ryou then gave you the puppy dog eyes. You couldn't resist. "How can I say no to that face?" "I knew you'd agree." The two of you then left, enjoying the tea, and each other's company.

Seto-Now Seto wasn't the type to stoop so low as to use the puppy dog eyes on you. But there was this one time he had no choice. It was when Seto had to leave for an important meeting and you didn't want to come. "I can't believe I'm using this word, but PLEASE come with me." "Sorry, but I don't want to come." "But-" "Not going!" Seto then realized he had no choice but to use the puppy dog eyes on you. And so he did. You, of course, were taken off, and couldn't help but give in to the puppy dog eye's stare. "Fine, but I want a movie night in return." "Deal!" The two of you then headed out for the meeting, where it was as boring as it gets.

Joey-Now Joey didn't like using the puppy dog eyes because he didn't want Seto to call him a furry. But one day during school, he had no choice. You were about to actually beat Joey in Duel Monsters when he did it. He used the puppy dog eyes on you. "Nice try Joey, but it won't work!" You said while putting down the card that sealed the game. "Ha! Not even your lame dog tricks can save your pathetic dueling skills." "Why I ought to-" "Don't Joey, he's not worth it." "Yeah, listen to your lame cheerleader." "Babe?" "You can go ahead and murder him!" But before Joey could do anything, the teacher started class, saving Seto, for now.

Atem-You and Atem were swimming in a lake. You were startled, when Atem picked you up. "What're you-" Atem then threw you. When you got back up, you were quite pissed. "ATEM!" But then Atem pulled out a surprising trick, the puppy dog eyes. "You're no longer mad, right?" "How can I be mad at that face?" "Knew you'd see it my way." Seems the pharaoh saved himself once again, by using the puppy dog eyes.

Marik-"Hey (y/n), would you mind-" "No!" "Come on, you don't even know what I was going to say." "Okay, what do you want?" "Well, would you mind cooking me a four-layer chocolate cake? I would do it myself, but as you know, I'm a terrible chef." "No!" Marik then did something completely out of character, he used the puppy dog eyes on you. You couldn't help but give in. "Fine...." "Thanks (y/n)!" "Yeah, yeah....."

Bakura-Bakura wanted you to do his homework. "I don't want to do your homework for you." "Then I guess you leave me no choice." Bakura then took you off guard by doing the puppy dog eyes. "Sorry, it won't work on me." "Bloody hell....."

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if you didn't. Feel free to request any scenarios or characters. I'm about halfway done with watching Yu-Gi-Oh Gx, so hopefully in about 3-9 weeks I'll be able to add more characters to the list of characters I'm doing. I also want to say thanks. Thanks for all the views, votes, and comments. It really means a lot to me. I might update tomorrow, depends on if I have time to do so or not. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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