~How He Gets You To Spend Time With Him~

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Yugi- It was very easy to convince you to spend time with Yugi. After all, you love Yugi. But, when you were doing things like homework, Yugi would have to pull out his secret weapon. And, that is....Begging. Somehow, this tactic always worked. So, that's why Yugi always uses this tactic.

Yami- Now you loved spending time with Yami, really. Though, there'd be those times when you'd want some time to yourself. That's when Yami would have no choice, but to bride you, with taking off his shirt. You'd then join in with whatever Yami was doing. Yami loved using this tactic on you. Because, not only would you spend time with him, but, you'd also start blushing, once he took off his shirt. So, it was like killing two birds with one stone.

Ryou- You loved spending time with Ryou. Almost every day after school, you'd go to either Ryou's or your house. But, some time, you wanted some time to yourself. That is when Ryou would tell you if you spent time with him, you could call him Fluffy. Since you loved calling Ryou fluffy, this tactic always worked, always!

Seto- Normally, Seto was very busy, and didn't have time to spare. But, when he did, he'd want to spend it with you. If you weren't interested, which didn't happen often, he'd give you his death glare, until you gave it. This tactic worked, every time.

Joey-You were stubborn. If you didn't want to do something, you wouldn't do it. This made Joey have to think extra hard about what to do to make you spend time with him. That's when it hit him. Whenever you didn't want to spend time with him, he's offer to do your homework for you. That'd make you stop whatever you were doing, and, spend time with Joey. But, let's just say, your grades have been dropping, ever since Joey started doing your homework for you.

Atem-Being the Pharaoh, Atem can have anything he wants. But, sometimes, you'd say no, even though Atem commanded that you spend time with him. That's when Atem would take everyone off that covered his upper body. "I'll keep my clothes off, for as long as you spend time with me." This would always work. Who needs the power of the Pharaoh, when you have a sexy body?

Marik-Usually, Marik wouldn't have to try to convince you, to spend time with him, because, you loved Marik so much. But, sometimes, you'd act so stubborn, leaving Marik no choice, but, to use his millennium rod on you. Though, Marik didn't do this often, because, of how much you hated him using it on you.

Bakura-Bakura had a few ways he'd get you to spend time with him. One was promising a make-out later. Another was letting you pet his hair (Don't ask). But, his favorite was by threatening to kill (Pet's name). This would get you instantly to stop, and, spend time with Bakura.

Malik-Malik will do a few things, to get you to spend time with him. One, is promising to make you a delicious dessert later. Another is promising to not be a perv (Which he doesn't always follow through with). But, if he's desperate, he'll use his millennium rod on you.

Jaden-If Jaden wanted you to spend time with him, he's pester you, until you agreed. An annoying way to do it, but, it always worked.

Syrus-All that Syrus would have to do, is say please. He's just too cute to resist.

Zane-If you didn't want to spend time with Zane, all Zane had to do was use his death glare, and, you're suddenly willing to do anything with Zane.

Jesse-How Jesse gets you to spend time with him, it's quite simple. He'll just give you a quick kiss. This would convince you to spend time with him (So, you could continue the kiss, after you finish spending time with Jesse).

Chazz-To get you to spend time with him, Chazz will make a large deal out of you not spending time with him, making you feel bad. This would convince you to spend time with him. 'Glad I took drama in middle school.'

Aster-To get you to spend time with him, Aster just needs to threaten to make it so the temperature in your room very cold (Or warm, depending on what temperature you like to sleep in). Since you hated being very cold (Or warm), you would agree.

Atticus- Atticus, he knows just what to do to get you to spend time with him. He'll promise to sing you a little song afterwards. And, since you love Atticus's singing voice, how could you refuse?

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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