~When You Get A Pet~

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Yugi-Hey (y/n), would you like to get a pet?" "I would love that!" So you and Yugi headed to the pet store. "So, what do you want?" "I've been really wanting a puppy." "Okay." But none of the puppies seemed to feel right. That's when your eyes came across a grey kitten with huge blue eyes. He seemed to be staring right at you. "Aw! How can I say no to that face?" So it turns out you got a kitten instead of a puppy, and you named him (Kitten's name).

Yami-You and Yami were on a walk, when you heard a familiar meow in the alleyway. It was the kitten Yami had thrown out a while ago. Now it had grown a bit and could climb and jump. "Yami, it's that cat!" You then rushed into the alleyway. "Dear (y/n), wait!" Yami ran in after you. You picked up the sweet cat, even though it was filthy. "(y/n), is that..." "Yep, the kitten you had gotten jealous of months ago. I'm going to bring it home, and nurse it back to health. But this time, not throwing the kitten out a window! Got it?" "Got it." "Good. Now let's go clean off (Cat's name)." You two then left the alleyway and nursed the cat back to health. What a lucky cat!

Ryou-"Hey Sweetie, do you want a pet?" "Sure, that'd be nice." "Then let's go get one." "Right now?" "Yes, right now!" "Okay." Once you arrived, you decided on a cute hamster. "What're you going to name her?" "(Hamster's name)." "Nice name." "Thanks. Shall we head home now?" "Sure." So you two went home, with a new addition to the family.

Seto-"Seto, I want a pet." "Okay, what kind've pet do you want?" "I want a cute little puppy." "Cute, I hate cute." "But you like me. Am I not cute?" "You're cute. I just hate things that are cute that aren't you or Mokuba." "Oh..." "But if you really want a puppy, I'll get you one." "Yay! Thanks so much!" Seto sighed. "Just don't let it into my office, got it?" "Understood." So you got an adorable puppy, which you named (Puppy's name). Although Seto seemed to hate her, he tolerated her, for you.

Joey-"So, you want fish? Sure, just let me go get some from the store, and I'll cook it up." "No, I want a fish as a pet, not as dinner." "Oh, okay. Let's go get dinner." You glared. "I mean...,Let's go get you a pet!" "Much better." So you went to get a fish. You named her (Fish's name). "So, can we eat her?" "No!" But let's just say, you had to keep Joey from eating your poor fish.

Atem-"My Queen, (y/n), your pharaoh wished to see you." "Thanks." You said before closing your journal and heading to the throne room. There you found Atem waiting for you. "Why'd you wish to see me?" "I wish to give you a gift." "What is it?" "Your own horse." "Really? Just for me?" "Yep, she's white with a black mane." "I can't to see her." So Atem introduced you to the horse, which you named (Horse's name). And the two of you became fast friends.

Marik-"My Pet, I've decided you need your own minion." "Really?" "Yep. Here's your own Steve!" But to your surprise, it was a giant dog. "I thought I was supposed to get a minion." "You are, but you must start small. Don't worry, you'll get your own human being....Eventually." "Oh, thanks." So you named the giant dog (Dog's name), and took good care of him.

Bakura-"Bakura, I want a pet!" "Then go get one!" "but I want you to come help me choose." Bakura groaned in frustration. "Fine, let's get this over with!" After arriving, you found a cute shih tzu (A type of puppy. I actually have a shih tzu, and she's quite adorable). "Aw, isn't she just the cutest?" No." "I want it!" You then used the millennium rod to get the shih tzu for free. "I think I'll name her (Shih tzu's name)." (Shih tzu's name) then gave you a sweet lick on the cheek. Bakura growled, knowing he wasn't going to like (Shih tzu's name) being in his (y/n)'s life.

Malik-"Now Malik, don't get mad..." "What did you do?" "I got a puppy!" "You did what!?" "I named her (Puppy's name)." "I will kill her!" "You will do no such thing!" The puppy, who was hiding behind you, whimpered. You picked up (Puppy's name), and shoved it in Malik's face. "How can you murder a face as cute as that!?!" "Very easily." "Well, I'm keeping her, no matter what you say.""Fine, but she has to stay in your room, and your room only!" "Alright then, it's settled." Malik sighed, still not able to understand mere mortals, and their fondness for animals. 

I hope you enjoyed. I'm getting real close to finishing Yu-Gi-Oh Gx, so hopefully, I'll be able to start working on Jaden and the other characters soon. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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