~When You Take A Vacation~

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Yugi-"Hey (y/n), I have a surprise for you." "What is it?" "I got us tickets for a cruise around the Bahamas." "You didn't! No way!" "I did. We leave tomorrow, so start packing." You immediately left to go get packed. You loved your cruise, enjoying every minute. How did Yugi afford this? You didn't know. But that didn't matter, it was time for dinner, and you weren't going to miss out. "You enjoying the cruise so far?" "I love it!" "I'm glad, my sweet kitten."

Yami-"Hey Yami, do you want to do anything for spring break?" "Actually, I already have plans..." "Oh..." "To take you to Hawaii!" Your eyes lit up. "HAWAII!?" "Yep, so do you want to go?" "Of course! I'll go pack!" You then left to go get packed. At Hawaii, you had a ton of fun. Yami loved the ocean. Meanwhile you loved all the tropical fruits they had. "Shall we go back to the ocean?" "Sure Yami, just don't leave me for the ocean." "I wouldn't ever do that, you're too special to leave."

Ryou-"Hey Ryou, I've been thinking for a while." "About what?" "Well, I was thinking maybe we could go to Brittan for a vacation. Plus, spring break's coming up. It'd be the perfect time for a vacation." "Sure, I'll get our tickets and hotel arrangements set up." "Thanks Ryou, you're the best!" In Brittan, you had a wonderful time. You even got to meet Ryou's friendly parents. "Well, you seem just darling. Ryou better take good care of you, because you're a keeper." "Thanks." "(y/n), would you like to go get something to eat?" "Sure!"

Seto-"Seto!" You said while entering his office. "What?! Can't you see that I'm busy!?!" "I know, but I want to go on a vacation." "Fine, but where we go will be a surprise." "Thanks Seto! I'll go pack!" You then left to go pack, excited about where you'd be going. Once you were on the airplane, you were dying of curiosity. "So, where're we going?" "You know the plans for Kaiba Land?" "Yes." "Well, almost all of it is constructed. We're just one ride away. So I thought you'd like to go to a private amusement park, am I right?" "You are! I can't wait to get there!" Once you arrived, you and Seto enjoyed everything Kaiba Land had to offer. You ended up staying for two weeks. "I think it's time we head back, Remember, I still have a company to take care of." Aw! Can we come back?" "Whenever I get the chance, sure." "Yay!"

Joey-"Babe, I just had a great idea!" "What is it?" "We should take a vacation." "That is a great idea. But where should we go?" "Why not my homeland, Brooklyn?" "That sounds great! When should we leave?" "Maybe tomorrow?" "In that case, let me go pack." You then left to go get packed. The next day, you were on an airplane, headed to Brooklyn. When you arrived, you decided to stay at Joey's mom's house. "So (y/n), what shall we do first?" "Eat, I'm starving!" "Okay then." You both had a great meal, and a great time for the next two weeks. But sadly, you eventually had to leave. "Would you want to come back sometime?" "Definitely!"

Atem-Atem had recently learned that he could send people to the future using his millennium puzzle. Once you learned about Atem's new ability, an idea came ot your head. "Hey Atem, let's take a vacation!" "To where?" "The future!" "But my sweet (y/n), I'm the pharaoh. And with that comes many responsibilities." "Come on, it won't be long. Please!" Atem sighed. "Fine, but just one day. Understood?" "Understood!" Atem then warped you and him to the future. "It's been so long. I can't wait to introduce you to everyone!" So, for one day, you showed Atem the modern world. Atem seemed fascinated by the modern world. But before you left to go back, you got things like shampoo, more journals, clothes, things like that. "Sorry this vacation was so short. But now, we must return." "It's fine, really. I'd rather be with you then have technology." Atem smiled, then sent you both back to the past, to return to your normal life. "We will return right?" "Of course, my Queen."

Marik-"Hey Marik, do you think we could go to Egypt sometime?" "As to gain knowledge about Egypt's past?" "No, just as a vacation. For fun." "Fun...." "Come on, please!" "Very well. I'll have one of my Steve's set up a plane rude for us." "Thanks Marik!" Soon, you were both in Egypt, looking at the pyramids. "They're so huge!" "Yes, yes they are." You both enjoyed your vacation, even though Marik didn't at first. "Too bad we have to leave." "Don't worry, we'll come back.....One day..."

Bakura-"Bakura, do you want to take a vacation?" "To where?" "China!" "No thanks." "Please, I don't want to go alone." "Too bad, you'll have to go alone." You then pulled out your millennium rod and forced Bakura to come. After you arrived, you released Bakura. "Why'd you bloody do that!?!" "To make sure you'd come. Now let's go explore!" You then dragged Bakura to your hotel. Even though at first Bakura hated coming, he was somehow able to enjoy himself. "Did you have fun?" "At first, no. After that, I'll admit, did." "I'm glad. Too bad we have to leave now." "Don't worry, we can always come back." "Guess you're right." You two then boarded the airplane, and headed back to your regular life.

Malik-"(Slave's Name), get our bags!" "Yes sir!" (Slave's Name) said while grabbing your bags. You were excited to go to China. Malik, he was just going so you wouldn't be hurt, or worse. But after arriving, Malik became such a pain, that you decided to go back instead of staying. 'What a shame....I was really looking forward to taking a vacation with Malik...'

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if not. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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