~Tagged/Good News~

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Okay, I have good news for you. But first...I got tagged, and apparently have to tell you thirteen things about myself. So, let's get started. (I'm so sorry if you were hoping this was an update and not boring crap).

1-I love anime! (Isn't that pretty obvious?)

2-My favorite animal are kittens. (Because they're so adorable)

3-My favorite flavor of ice-cream is cookie dough. (Yum!)

4-I get annoyed very easily. (Super easily!)

5-I'm currently waiting for the Yandere Simulator game to be finished. (Because, I can't wait to play it!)

6-My favorite song (At the moment) is More By Usher. 

7-I get depressed really easily...

8-I love making other people happy. :) 

9-I don't like Harry Potter. (Please don't kill me!!!)

10-I currently have anime crushes on over 30 anime characters. (I'm not kidding).

11-I have two adorable puppies who hate each other. (They get in fights all the time).

12-My favorite color's turquoise. 

13-My dream is to be a TV show script writer. (Why do you think I love writing so much?)

Okay, now that we got that out of the way....I have some great news....I FINALLY FINISHED YU-GI-OH! GX!!!!  (Yay!) So.....Which characters do you want added to this story? I will be starting with Jaden Yuki, but the rest....You must request. Whoever's requested first, that's who I'll do first. So request, or your favorite character may not be added to this story. That's all for now. Later my fellow readers! =^-^=

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